AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-05-15adding some failsafing to the fimrware updaterv0.02Bjørn Mork
2019-05-15add all auto-generated files to .gitignoreBjørn Mork
2019-05-15Documenting RTSPBjørn Mork
2019-05-15Adding remote RTSP support to local startup scriptBjørn Mork
2019-05-15Bluetooth: Add support for enabling RTSP temporarilyBjørn Mork
2019-05-15Adding some pictures and other references to the docsv0.01Bjørn Mork
2019-05-15create README symlink for easier viewing on githubBjørn Mork
2019-05-15Firmware image creation Makefile and updater scriptBjørn Mork
2019-05-15Import the D-Link DCS-8000LH firmware update encryption keyBjørn Mork
2019-05-15Alternative /opt startup script for http and telnet servicesBjørn Mork
2019-05-15Bluetooth LE python script for initial D-Link camera configurationBjørn Mork
2019-05-15Documenting the D-Link DCS-8000LHBjørn Mork
2019-05-15Creating a basic .gitignore fileBjørn Mork