AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2019-05-15Adding some pictures and other references to the docsv0.01Bjørn Mork
Signed-off-by: Bjørn Mork <>
2019-05-15create README symlink for easier viewing on githubBjørn Mork
Signed-off-by: Bjørn Mork <>
2019-05-15Firmware image creation Makefile and updater scriptBjørn Mork
The updater script is a simpler alternative to the script used by D-Link in their firmware updates, supporting only "userdata" updates. Run "make" to create a new squashfs file system for the "userdata" partition and pack, encrypt and sign it for use with the original D-Link firmware update tools fwupdate or firmwareupgrade.cgi. See the documetation in this repo for usage instructions. Signed-off-by: Bjørn Mork <>
2019-05-15Import the D-Link DCS-8000LH firmware update encryption keyBjørn Mork
This is the key output from the "pibinfo PriKey" command on a D-Link DCS-8000LH. The scope of this key is unknonw. It might be used for more models, or it might be specific to a limited set of DCS-8000LHs. Signed-off-by: Bjørn Mork <>
2019-05-15Alternative /opt startup script for http and telnet servicesBjørn Mork
Basic demo script used to illustrate how the "userdata" partition of the D-Link DCS-8000LH can be used for better things that the cloud service tools. Signed-off-by: Bjørn Mork <>
2019-05-15Bluetooth LE python script for initial D-Link camera configurationBjørn Mork
Proof-of-Concept python script implmententing most of the D-Link Bluetooth LE IP camera API. Including some features missing from D-Links app, like the ability to start a telnet server or web server on the camera. Signed-off-by: Bjørn Mork <>
2019-05-15Documenting the D-Link DCS-8000LHBjørn Mork
This is a collection of notes I made while trying to figure out how I could make the D-Link DCS-8000LH useful without using the D-Link cloud service and app. Signed-off-by: Bjørn Mork <>
2019-05-15Creating a basic .gitignore fileBjørn Mork
Signed-off-by: Bjørn Mork <>