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1 files changed, 2 insertions, 338 deletions
diff --git a/src/mm-shared-qmi.c b/src/mm-shared-qmi.c
index 0bd78db1..aa089db5 100644
--- a/src/mm-shared-qmi.c
+++ b/src/mm-shared-qmi.c
@@ -3203,52 +3203,13 @@ mm_shared_qmi_load_carrier_config (MMIfaceModem *self,
typedef struct {
QmiClientUim *client_uim;
GPtrArray *sim_slots;
- GList *sorted_sims;
- MMBaseSim *current_sim;
- guint current_slot_number;
guint active_slot_number;
guint active_logical_id;
- GArray *initial_slot_status;
- GArray *final_slot_status;
- gulong final_slot_status_timeout_id;
- gulong load_sim_slots_indication_id;
} LoadSimSlotsContext;
static void
-clear_load_sim_slot_callbacks (GTask *task)
- MMIfaceModem *self;
- LoadSimSlotsContext *ctx;
- Private *priv;
- self = g_task_get_source_object (task);
- ctx = g_task_get_task_data (task);
- priv = get_private (MM_SHARED_QMI (self));
- if (ctx->client_uim && ctx->load_sim_slots_indication_id) {
- g_signal_handler_disconnect(ctx->client_uim, ctx->load_sim_slots_indication_id);
- ctx->load_sim_slots_indication_id = 0;
- }
- if (ctx->final_slot_status_timeout_id) {
- g_source_remove (ctx->final_slot_status_timeout_id);
- ctx->final_slot_status_timeout_id = 0;
- }
- /* Restore hot swap detection because we aren't loading slots anymore */
- if (priv->uim_slot_status_indication_id)
- g_signal_handler_unblock (ctx->client_uim, priv->uim_slot_status_indication_id);
-static void
load_sim_slots_context_free (LoadSimSlotsContext *ctx)
- if (ctx->initial_slot_status)
- g_array_unref (ctx->initial_slot_status);
- if (ctx->final_slot_status)
- g_array_unref (ctx->final_slot_status);
- g_assert (ctx->load_sim_slots_indication_id == 0);
- g_assert (ctx->final_slot_status_timeout_id == 0);
- g_clear_object (&ctx->current_sim);
- g_list_free_full (ctx->sorted_sims, (GDestroyNotify)g_object_unref);
g_clear_pointer (&ctx->sim_slots, g_ptr_array_unref);
g_clear_object (&ctx->client_uim);
g_slice_free (LoadSimSlotsContext, ctx);
@@ -3282,278 +3243,6 @@ mm_shared_qmi_load_sim_slots_finish (MMIfaceModem *self,
return TRUE;
-/* Compares arrays of QmiPhysicalSlotStatusSlot */
-static gboolean
-compare_slot_status (GArray *slot_status1,
- GArray *slot_status2)
- guint i;
- guint j;
- if (!slot_status1 && !slot_status2)
- return TRUE;
- if (!slot_status1 || !slot_status2 || slot_status1->len != slot_status2->len)
- return FALSE;
- for (i = 0; i < slot_status1->len; i++) {
- /* Compare slot at index i from slot_status1 and slot_status2 */
- QmiPhysicalSlotStatusSlot *slot_a;
- QmiPhysicalSlotStatusSlot *slot_b;
- slot_a = &g_array_index (slot_status1, QmiPhysicalSlotStatusSlot, i);
- slot_b = &g_array_index (slot_status2, QmiPhysicalSlotStatusSlot, i);
- if (slot_a->physical_card_status != slot_b->physical_card_status)
- return FALSE;
- if (slot_a->physical_slot_status != slot_b->physical_slot_status)
- return FALSE;
- if (slot_a->iccid->len != slot_b->iccid->len)
- return FALSE;
- for (j = 0; j < slot_a->iccid->len; j++) {
- if (g_array_index (slot_a->iccid, guint8, j) != g_array_index (slot_b->iccid, guint8, j))
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-hotswap_while_loading_slots (GTask *task)
- MMIfaceModem *self;
- self = g_task_get_source_object (task);
- mm_obj_dbg (self,
- "Slot status before loading sim slots is different from slot status after loading sim slots, "
- "assuming hotswap");
- clear_load_sim_slot_callbacks (task);
- g_task_return_new_error (task,
- "Timed out waiting for final slot status to match initial slot status");
- g_object_unref (task);
- mm_base_modem_process_sim_event (MM_BASE_MODEM (self));
-static void
-check_final_slot_status (GTask *task)
- LoadSimSlotsContext *ctx;
- MMIfaceModem *self;
- self = g_task_get_source_object (task);
- ctx = g_task_get_task_data (task);
- /* We may never receive a slot status indication, which means that
- * no slot switch was performed while loading sim slots */
- if (!ctx->final_slot_status || compare_slot_status (ctx->initial_slot_status, ctx->final_slot_status)) {
- mm_obj_dbg (self, "Final slot status matches initial slot status");
- clear_load_sim_slot_callbacks (task);
- g_task_return_boolean (task, TRUE);
- g_object_unref (task);
- return;
- }
- if (!ctx->final_slot_status_timeout_id) {
- /* Setup a timeout before which final and initial slot status should match */
- mm_obj_dbg (self,
- "Final slot status does not match initial slot status. "
- "Waiting for final slot status indication...");
- ctx->final_slot_status_timeout_id = g_timeout_add_seconds (FINAL_SLOT_STATUS_TIMEOUT,
- (GSourceFunc) hotswap_while_loading_slots,
- task);
- }
-static void
-active_slot_switch_ready (QmiClientUim *client,
- GAsyncResult *res,
- GTask *task)
- g_autoptr(QmiMessageUimSwitchSlotOutput) output = NULL;
- g_autoptr(GError) error = NULL;
- MMIfaceModem *self;
- LoadSimSlotsContext *ctx;
- self = g_task_get_source_object (task);
- ctx = g_task_get_task_data (task);
- output = qmi_client_uim_switch_slot_finish (client, res, &error);
- if ((!output || !qmi_message_uim_switch_slot_output_get_result (output, &error)) &&
- mm_obj_err (self, "couldn't switch to original slot %u", ctx->active_slot_number);
- clear_load_sim_slot_callbacks (task);
- g_task_return_error (task, g_steal_pointer (&error));
- g_object_unref (task);
- return;
- }
- check_final_slot_status (task);
-static void
-reload_active_slot (GTask *task)
- g_autoptr(QmiMessageUimSwitchSlotInput) input = NULL;
- LoadSimSlotsContext *ctx;
- MMIfaceModem *self;
- self = g_task_get_source_object (task);
- ctx = g_task_get_task_data (task);
- /* If we're already in the original active SIM slot, nothing else to do */
- if (ctx->current_slot_number == ctx->active_slot_number) {
- mm_obj_dbg (self,
- "Already on the original active SIM at slot %u. "
- "No more slot switches necessary", ctx->active_slot_number);
- check_final_slot_status (task);
- return;
- }
- mm_obj_dbg (self, "switching to original active SIM at slot %u", ctx->active_slot_number);
- /* Switch to the original active slot */
- input = qmi_message_uim_switch_slot_input_new ();
- qmi_message_uim_switch_slot_input_set_logical_slot (input, (guint8) ctx->active_logical_id, NULL);
- qmi_message_uim_switch_slot_input_set_physical_slot (input, ctx->active_slot_number, NULL);
- qmi_client_uim_switch_slot (ctx->client_uim,
- input,
- 10,
- (GAsyncReadyCallback) active_slot_switch_ready,
- task);
-static void load_next_sim_info (GTask *task);
-static void
-next_sim_initialize_ready (MMBaseSim *sim,
- GAsyncResult *res,
- GTask *task)
- g_autoptr(GError) error = NULL;
- MMIfaceModem *self;
- LoadSimSlotsContext *ctx;
- self = g_task_get_source_object (task);
- ctx = g_task_get_task_data (task);
- if (!mm_base_sim_initialize_finish (sim, res, &error))
- mm_obj_dbg (self, "couldn't initialize SIM at slot %u: won't load additional info",
- ctx->current_slot_number);
- else
- mm_obj_dbg (self, "initialized SIM at slot %u",
- ctx->current_slot_number);
- /* Iterate to next SIM */
- load_next_sim_info (task);
-static void
-next_sim_switch_ready (QmiClientUim *client,
- GAsyncResult *res,
- GTask *task)
- g_autoptr(QmiMessageUimSwitchSlotOutput) output = NULL;
- g_autoptr(GError) error = NULL;
- MMIfaceModem *self;
- LoadSimSlotsContext *ctx;
- self = g_task_get_source_object (task);
- ctx = g_task_get_task_data (task);
- output = qmi_client_uim_switch_slot_finish (client, res, &error);
- if (!output || !qmi_message_uim_switch_slot_output_get_result (output, &error)) {
- /* ignore NoEffect errors on slot switch, because that indicates we're
- * already in the desired slot */
- if (!g_error_matches (error, QMI_PROTOCOL_ERROR, QMI_PROTOCOL_ERROR_NO_EFFECT)) {
- mm_obj_dbg (self, "couldn't switch to SIM at slot %u: won't load additional info",
- ctx->current_slot_number);
- load_next_sim_info (task);
- return;
- }
- }
- mm_obj_dbg (self, "switched to SIM at slot %u: initializing...",
- ctx->current_slot_number);
- mm_base_sim_initialize (ctx->current_sim,
- (GAsyncReadyCallback) next_sim_initialize_ready,
- task);
-static void
-load_next_sim_info (GTask *task)
- g_autoptr(QmiMessageUimSwitchSlotInput) input = NULL;
- LoadSimSlotsContext *ctx;
- MMIfaceModem *self;
- self = g_task_get_source_object (task);
- ctx = g_task_get_task_data (task);
- /* All done? */
- if (!ctx->sorted_sims) {
- mm_obj_dbg (self, "no more SIMs to load info from");
- reload_active_slot (task);
- return;
- }
- /* Steal SIM from list */
- g_clear_object (&ctx->current_sim);
- ctx->current_sim = MM_BASE_SIM (ctx->sorted_sims->data);
- ctx->sorted_sims = g_list_delete_link (ctx->sorted_sims, ctx->sorted_sims);
- ctx->current_slot_number = mm_base_sim_get_slot_number (ctx->current_sim);
- mm_obj_dbg (self, "switching to SIM at slot %u: %s",
- ctx->current_slot_number, mm_base_sim_get_path (ctx->current_sim));
- /* Switch to the next slot */
- input = qmi_message_uim_switch_slot_input_new ();
- qmi_message_uim_switch_slot_input_set_logical_slot (input, (guint8) ctx->active_logical_id, NULL);
- qmi_message_uim_switch_slot_input_set_physical_slot (input, ctx->current_slot_number, NULL);
- qmi_client_uim_switch_slot (ctx->client_uim,
- input,
- 10,
- (GAsyncReadyCallback) next_sim_switch_ready,
- task);
-static void
-load_sim_slots_indication_cb (QmiClientUim *client,
- QmiIndicationUimSlotStatusOutput *output,
- GTask *task)
- g_autoptr(GError) error = NULL;
- LoadSimSlotsContext *ctx;
- MMIfaceModem *self;
- GArray *physical_slots = NULL;
- self = g_task_get_source_object (task);
- ctx = g_task_get_task_data (task);
- mm_obj_dbg (self, "received slot status indication while loading slots");
- if (!qmi_indication_uim_slot_status_output_get_physical_slot_status (output,
- &physical_slots,
- &error)) {
- mm_obj_warn (self, "could not process slot status indication: %s", error->message);
- return;
- }
- g_clear_object (&ctx->final_slot_status);
- ctx->final_slot_status = g_array_ref (physical_slots);
- /* We are awaiting the final slot status before we finish the load_sim_slots task */
- if (ctx->final_slot_status_timeout_id)
- check_final_slot_status (task);
static void
uim_get_slot_status_ready (QmiClientUim *client,
GAsyncResult *res,
@@ -3562,7 +3251,6 @@ uim_get_slot_status_ready (QmiClientUim *client,
g_autoptr(QmiMessageUimGetSlotStatusOutput) output = NULL;
LoadSimSlotsContext *ctx;
MMIfaceModem *self;
- Private *priv;
GError *error = NULL;
GArray *physical_slots = NULL;
GArray *ext_information = NULL;
@@ -3571,7 +3259,6 @@ uim_get_slot_status_ready (QmiClientUim *client,
self = g_task_get_source_object (task);
ctx = g_task_get_task_data (task);
- priv = get_private (MM_SHARED_QMI (self));
output = qmi_client_uim_get_slot_status_finish (client, res, &error);
if (!output ||
@@ -3582,11 +3269,6 @@ uim_get_slot_status_ready (QmiClientUim *client,
- /* Store the slot status before loading all sim slots.
- * We know we are done loading sim slots when the final slot status
- * indication is the same as initial slot status */
- ctx->initial_slot_status = g_array_ref (physical_slots);
/* It's fine if we don't have EID information, but it should be well-formed if present. If it's malformed,
* there is probably a modem firmware bug. */
if (qmi_message_uim_get_slot_status_output_get_physical_slot_information (output, &ext_information, NULL) &&
@@ -3618,7 +3300,6 @@ uim_get_slot_status_ready (QmiClientUim *client,
sim_active = TRUE;
ctx->active_logical_id = slot_status->logical_slot;
ctx->active_slot_number = i + 1;
- ctx->current_slot_number = ctx->active_slot_number;
if (!slot_status->iccid->len) {
@@ -3666,28 +3347,11 @@ uim_get_slot_status_ready (QmiClientUim *client,
NULL, /* operator name unknown */
NULL); /* emergency numbers unknown */
g_ptr_array_add (ctx->sim_slots, sim);
- if (sim_active)
- ctx->sorted_sims = g_list_append (ctx->sorted_sims, g_object_ref (sim));
- else
- ctx->sorted_sims = g_list_prepend (ctx->sorted_sims, g_object_ref (sim));
g_assert_cmpuint (ctx->sim_slots->len, ==, physical_slots->len);
- /* Block hotswap on slot_status_indications since
- * we will be switching slots while loading them. */
- if (priv->uim_slot_status_indication_id)
- g_signal_handler_block (client, priv->uim_slot_status_indication_id);
- /* Monitor slot status indications while we are loading slots. Once we are done loading slots,
- * check that no hotswap occurred. */
- ctx->load_sim_slots_indication_id = g_signal_connect (priv->uim_client,
- "slot-status",
- G_CALLBACK (load_sim_slots_indication_cb),
- task);
- /* Now, iterate over all the SIMs, we'll attempt to load info from them by
- * quickly switching over to them, leaving the active SIM to the end */
- load_next_sim_info (task);
+ g_task_return_boolean (task, TRUE);
+ g_object_unref (task);