ModemManager.gitcloned from git:// Bjørn Mork3 years
defogger.gitD-Link DCS-8000LH tools and usage hints Bjørn Mork5 years
dhcpv6.gitDHCPv6 utilities - reimplementing the wheel Bjørn Mork12 years
isc-dhcp.gitISC DHCP distribution imported into git for tracking local changes Bjørn Mork12 years
libqmi.gitCloned from git:// Bjørn Mork3 years
linux.gitBjørns Linux kernel repo - qmi_wwan, cdc_mbim ++ Bjørn Mork12 years
mantis.gitBjørns Linux kernel repo - qmi_wwan, cdc_mbim ++ Bjørn Mork12 years
mwlwifi.gitmac80211 driver for the Marvell 88W8864 802.11ac chip Bjørn Mork9 years
obinsect.gitRead hte HAN M-BUS port of Aidon, Kaifa or Kamstrup energy meters and publish no...Bjørn Mork5 years
openwrt-bmork.gitBjørn's private OpenWRT package feed Bjørn Mork7 years
qemu-kvm.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. Bjørn Mork12 years
ripe-atlas.gitCode import from Bjørn Mork6 years
stridulus.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. Bjørn Mork3 months
umbim.gitOpenWrt MBIM modem utility Bjørn Mork4 years
uqmi.gitTiny QMI command line utility Bjørn Mork4 years
usbmode.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. Bjørn Mork6 years
wide-dhcpv6.gitwide-dhcpv6 imported from sourceforge, with Debian patches Bjørn Mork13 years
wwan.gitUtilities for configuring and using wwan interfaces like the Ericsson F3507g Bjørn Mork4 years