#!/usr/bin/perl # Copyright (c) 2012 Bjørn Mork # GPLv2 use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; use Getopt::Long; use Encode; use Devel::SimpleTrace; use UUID::Tiny ':std'; use Net::IP; use Socket; # default, will be overridden by ioctl if supported my $maxctrl = 4096; # per interface config my %pin; $pin{1} = &strip_quotes($ENV{'IF_WWAN_PIN'}) if $ENV{'IF_WWAN_PIN'}; my $apn = &strip_quotes($ENV{'IF_WWAN_APN'}); my $session = 0; # output levels my $verbose = 1; my $debug = 1; # internal state my $tid = 1; # transaction id # sleep and read all rcvd messages? my $monitor = 0; # use mbim-proxy my $proxy = 0; # management device my $mgmt = &strip_quotes($ENV{MGMT}) || "/dev/cdc-wdm0"; # QMI specifics my $qmisys; my $qmicid; ### functions used during enviroment variable parsing ### sub usage { print STDERR < (defaults to $mgmt) --pin= --apn= --session= --[no]verbose --[no]debug only for "qmi" command: --qmisys= --qmicid= followed by QMI message number and TLVs as a combination of hex values and byte streams e.g 0x0024 0x01 00 0x10 01 0f Or for offline decoding only: $0 [--[no]debug] offline Example: $0 offline 01:00:00:80:10:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 EOH ; exit; } sub strip_quotes { my $x = shift; $x =~ s/"([^"]*)"/$1/ if $x; return $x; } ## let command line override defaults GetOptions( 'proxy!' => \$proxy, 'device=s' => \$mgmt, 'pin=s' => \$pin{1}, 'apn=s' => \$apn, 'session=i' => \$session, 'verbose!' => \$verbose, 'debug!' => \$debug, 'tid=i' => \$tid, 'qmisys=s' => \$qmisys, 'qmicid=i' => \$qmicid, 'help|h|?' => \&usage, ) || &usage; # the rest of the command line is left for the actual command to run # network device is required &usage unless $mgmt; ### MBIM helpers ### sub _push { my ($buf, $format, @vars) = @_; my $add = pack($format, @vars); $buf .= $add; # update length my $len = unpack("V", substr($buf, 4, 4)); $len += length($add); substr($buf, 4, 4) = pack("V", $len); return $buf; } sub _pop { my ($buf, $format, @vars) = @_; (@vars) = unpack($format, $buf); my $x = pack($format, @vars); return $buf .= pack($format, @vars); } my %msg = ( # Table 9‐3: Control messages sent from the host to the function 'MBIM_OPEN_MSG' => 1, 'MBIM_CLOSE_MSG' => 2, 'MBIM_COMMAND_MSG' => 3, 'MBIM_HOST_ERROR_MSG' => 4, # Table 9‐9: Control Messages sent from function to host 'MBIM_OPEN_DONE' => 0x80000001, 'MBIM_CLOSE_DONE' => 0x80000002, 'MBIM_COMMAND_DONE' => 0x80000003, 'MBIM_FUNCTION_ERROR_MSG' => 0x80000004, 'MBIM_INDICATE_STATUS_MSG' => 0x80000007, ); sub msg_to_string { my $msg = shift; my ($name) = grep { $msg{$_} == $msg } keys %msg; return $name || ''; } # Table 9‐8: MBIM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_CODES my %error = ( 'MBIM_ERROR_TIMEOUT_FRAGMENT' => { 'code' => 1, 'text' => 'Shall be sent by the receiver if the time between the fragments exceeds the max fragment time. ', 'ref' => '', }, 'MBIM_ERROR_FRAGMENT_OUT_OF_SEQUENCE' => { 'code' => 2, 'text' => 'Shall be sent by the receiver if a fragmented message is sent out of sequence', 'ref' => '', }, 'MBIM_ERROR_LENGTH_MISMATCH' => { 'code' => 3, 'text' => 'Shall be sent by the receiver if the InformationBufferLength with required padding does not match the total of MessageLength minus headers', 'ref' => '', }, 'MBIM_ERROR_DUPLICATED_TID' => { 'code' => 4, 'text' => 'Shall be sent by the receiver if two MBIM commands are sent with the same TID', 'ref' => '', }, 'MBIM_ERROR_NOT_OPENED' => { 'code' => 5, 'text' => 'The function shall respond with this error code if it receives any MBIM commands prior to an open command or after a close command.', 'ref' => '', }, 'MBIM_ERROR_UNKNOWN' => { 'code' => 6, 'text' => 'Shall be sent by the function when an unknown error is detected on the MBIM layer. Expected behavior is that the host resets the function if a MBIM_ERROR_UNKNOWN is received.', 'ref' => '', }, 'MBIM_ERROR_CANCEL' => { 'code' => 7, 'text' => 'Can be sent by the host to cancel a pending transaction.', 'ref' => '', }, 'MBIM_ERROR_MAX_TRANSFER' => { 'code' => 8, 'text' => 'Shall be sent if the function does not support the maximum control transfer the host supports.', 'ref' => '', }, ); sub error_to_string { my $error = shift; my ($name) = grep { $error{$_}->{code} == $error } keys %error; return $name || ''; } # Table 9‐15: MBIM_STATUS_CODES my %status = ( 'MBIM_STATUS_SUCCESS' => 0, 'MBIM_STATUS_BUSY' => 1, 'MBIM_STATUS_FAILURE' => 2, 'MBIM_STATUS_SIM_NOT_INSERTED' => 3, 'MBIM_STATUS_BAD_SIM' => 4, 'MBIM_STATUS_PIN_REQUIRED' => 5, 'MBIM_STATUS_PIN_DISABLED' => 6, 'MBIM_STATUS_NOT_REGISTERED' => 7, 'MBIM_STATUS_PROVIDERS_NOT_FOUND' => 8, 'MBIM_STATUS_NO_DEVICE_SUPPORT' => 9, 'MBIM_STATUS_PROVIDER_NOT_VISIBLE' => 10, 'MBIM_STATUS_DATA_CLASS_NOT_AVAILABLE' => 11, 'MBIM_STATUS_PACKET_SERVICE_DETACHED' => 12, 'MBIM_STATUS_MAX_ACTIVATED_CONTEXTS' => 13, 'MBIM_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED' => 14, 'MBIM_STATUS_VOICE_CALL_IN_PROGRESS' => 15, 'MBIM_STATUS_CONTEXT_NOT_ACTIVATED' => 16, 'MBIM_STATUS_SERVICE_NOT_ACTIVATED' => 17, 'MBIM_STATUS_INVALID_ACCESS_STRING' => 18, 'MBIM_STATUS_INVALID_USER_NAME_PWD' => 19, 'MBIM_STATUS_RADIO_POWER_OFF' => 20, 'MBIM_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETERS' => 21, 'MBIM_STATUS_READ_FAILURE' => 22, 'MBIM_STATUS_WRITE_FAILURE' => 23, # Reserved 24 'MBIM_STATUS_NO_PHONEBOOK' => 25, 'MBIM_STATUS_PARAMETER_TOO_LONG' => 26, 'MBIM_STATUS_STK_BUSY' => 27, 'MBIM_STATUS_OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED' => 28, 'MBIM_STATUS_MEMORY_FAILURE' => 29, 'MBIM_STATUS_INVALID_MEMORY_INDEX' => 30, 'MBIM_STATUS_MEMORY_FULL' => 31, 'MBIM_STATUS_FILTER_NOT_SUPPORTED' => 32, 'MBIM_STATUS_DSS_INSTANCE_LIMIT' => 33, 'MBIM_STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_SERVICE_OPERATION' => 34, 'MBIM_STATUS_AUTH_INCORRECT_AUTN' => 35, 'MBIM_STATUS_AUTH_SYNC_FAILURE' => 36, 'MBIM_STATUS_AUTH_AMF_NOT_SET' => 37, 'MBIM_STATUS_SMS_UNKNOWN_SMSC_ADDRESS' => 100, 'MBIM_STATUS_SMS_NETWORK_TIMEOUT' => 101, 'MBIM_STATUS_SMS_LANG_NOT_SUPPORTED' => 102, 'MBIM_STATUS_SMS_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED' => 103, 'MBIM_STATUS_SMS_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED' => 104, # Device service specific status commands # 80000000h - FFFFFFFFh ); sub status_to_string { my $status = shift; my ($name) = grep { $status{$_} == $status } keys %status; return $name || ''; } # Table 10‐3: Services Defined by MBIM my %uuid = ( UUID_BASIC_CONNECT => 'a289cc33-bcbb-8b4f-b6b0-133ec2aae6df', UUID_SMS => '533fbeeb-14fe-4467-9f90-33a223e56c3f', UUID_USSD => 'e550a0c8-5e82-479e-82f7-10abf4c3351f', UUID_PHONEBOOK => '4bf38476-1e6a-41db-b1d8-bed289c25bdb', UUID_STK => 'd8f20131-fcb5-4e17-8602-d6ed3816164c', UUID_AUTH => '1d2b5ff7-0aa1-48b2-aa52-50f15767174e', UUID_DSS => 'c08a26dd-7718-4382-8482-6e0d583c4d0e', # "well known" vendor specific services UUID_EXT_QMUX => 'd1a30bc2-f97a-6e43-bf65-c7e24fb0f0d3', # ref unknown... UUID_MULTICARRIER => '8b569648-628d-4653-9b9f-1025404424e1', # ref http://feishare.com/attachments/article/252/implementing-multimode-multicarrier-devices.pdf UUID_MSFWID => 'e9f7dea2-feaf-4009-93ce-90a3694103b6', # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/jj248721.aspx UUID_MS_HOSTSHUTDOWN => '883b7c26-985f-43fa-9804-27d7fb80959c', # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/jj248720.aspx UUID_BASIC_CONNECT_EXTENSIONS => '3d01dcc5-fef5-4d05-0d3a-bef7058e9aaf', # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/network/mb-base-stations-information-query-support UUID_MS_UICC_LOW_LEVEL => 'c2f6588e-f037-4bc9-8665-f4d44bd09367', # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/network/mb-low-level-uicc-access UUID_MS_SAR_CONTROL => '68223d04-9f6c-4e0f-822d-28441fb72340', # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/network/mb-sar-platform-support ## from Telit_xN930_MBIM_Command_Functional_Specification_r2.pdf UUID_ATDS => '5967bdcc-7fd2-49a2-9f5c-b2e70e527db3', UUID_INTEL_FWUSVC => '0ed374cb-f835-4474-bc11-3b3fd76f5641', UUID_INTEL_DPTF => 'fdc22af2-f441-4d46-af8d-259fcdde4635', UUID_INTEL_SAR => '10e40d69-375a-42ce-a297-906164f2754c', UUID_INTEL_ACT => 'ed19555d-a6ac-4327-8eb1-fc022e5e2388', UUID_INTEL_TRCSVC => '59a7f323-fe5a-4301-b185-b8ea9e6167b7', UUID_INTEL_NRTC => '2b6d8c5a-0ca9-418f-8aac-1a9dc8e32866', UUID_INTEL_USB_PROFILE => 'fa142322-166b-4fd9-89f0-99be90ae8e3d', UUID_INTEL_CIQ => '6a2a8150-abca-4b11-a4e2-f2fc879f5481', # libmbim specific mbim-proxy UUID_PROXY_CONTROL => '838cf7fb-8d0d-4d7f-871e-d71dbefbb39b', ); sub uuid_to_service { my $uuid = shift; my ($service) = grep { $uuid{$_} eq $uuid } keys %uuid; return 'UNKNOWN' unless $service; $service =~ s/^UUID_//; return $service; } # Table 10‐4: Defined CIDs and Message Formats for Commands and Results my %cid = ( 'MBIM_CID_DEVICE_CAPS' => { 'service' => 'BASIC_CONNECT', 'cid' => 1, }, 'MBIM_CID_SUBSCRIBER_READY_STATUS' => { 'service' => 'BASIC_CONNECT', 'cid' => 2, }, 'MBIM_CID_RADIO_STATE' => { 'service' => 'BASIC_CONNECT', 'cid' => 3, }, 'MBIM_CID_PIN' => { 'service' => 'BASIC_CONNECT', 'cid' => 4, }, 'MBIM_CID_PIN_LIST' => { 'service' => 'BASIC_CONNECT', 'cid' => 5, }, 'MBIM_CID_HOME_PROVIDER' => { 'service' => 'BASIC_CONNECT', 'cid' => 6, }, 'MBIM_CID_PREFERRED_PROVIDERS' => { 'service' => 'BASIC_CONNECT', 'cid' => 7, }, 'MBIM_CID_VISIBLE_PROVIDERS' => { 'service' => 'BASIC_CONNECT', 'cid' => 8, }, 'MBIM_CID_REGISTER_STATE' => { 'service' => 'BASIC_CONNECT', 'cid' => 9, }, 'MBIM_CID_PACKET_SERVICE' => { 'service' => 'BASIC_CONNECT', 'cid' => 10, }, 'MBIM_CID_SIGNAL_STATE' => { 'service' => 'BASIC_CONNECT', 'cid' => 11, }, 'MBIM_CID_CONNECT' => { 'service' => 'BASIC_CONNECT', 'cid' => 12, }, 'MBIM_CID_PROVISIONED_CONTEXTS' => { 'service' => 'BASIC_CONNECT', 'cid' => 13, }, 'MBIM_CID_SERVICE_ACTIVATION' => { 'service' => 'BASIC_CONNECT', 'cid' => 14, }, 'MBIM_CID_IP_CONFIGURATION' => { 'service' => 'BASIC_CONNECT', 'cid' => 15, }, 'MBIM_CID_DEVICE_SERVICES' => { 'service' => 'BASIC_CONNECT', 'cid' => 16, }, 'MBIM_CID_DEVICE_SERVICE_SUBSCRIBE_LIST' => { 'service' => 'BASIC_CONNECT', 'cid' => 19, }, 'MBIM_CID_PACKET_STATISTICS' => { 'service' => 'BASIC_CONNECT', 'cid' => 20, }, 'MBIM_CID_NETWORK_IDLE_HINT' => { 'service' => 'BASIC_CONNECT', 'cid' => 21, }, 'MBIM_CID_EMERGENCY_MODE' => { 'service' => 'BASIC_CONNECT', 'cid' => 22, }, 'MBIM_CID_IP_PACKET_FILTERS' => { 'service' => 'BASIC_CONNECT', 'cid' => 23, }, 'MBIM_CID_MULTICARRIER_PROVIDERS' => { 'service' => 'BASIC_CONNECT', 'cid' => 24, }, 'MBIM_CID_SMS_CONFIGURATION' => { 'service' => 'SMS', 'cid' => 1, }, 'MBIM_CID_SMS_READ' => { 'service' => 'SMS', 'cid' => 2, }, 'MBIM_CID_SMS_SEND' => { 'service' => 'SMS', 'cid' => 3, }, 'MBIM_CID_SMS_DELETE' => { 'service' => 'SMS', 'cid' => 4, }, 'MBIM_CID_SMS_MESSAGE_STORE_STATUS' => { 'service' => 'SMS', 'cid' => 5, }, 'MBIM_CID_USSD' => { 'service' => 'USSD', 'cid' => 1, }, 'MBIM_CID_PHONEBOOK_CONFIGURATION' => { 'service' => 'PHONEBOOK', 'cid' => 1, }, 'MBIM_CID_PHONEBOOK_READ' => { 'service' => 'PHONEBOOK', 'cid' => 2, }, 'MBIM_CID_PHONEBOOK_DELETE' => { 'service' => 'PHONEBOOK', 'cid' => 3, }, 'MBIM_CID_PHONEBOOK_WRITE' => { 'service' => 'PHONEBOOK', 'cid' => 4, }, 'MBIM_CID_STK_PAC' => { 'service' => 'STK', 'cid' => 1, }, 'MBIM_CID_STK_TERMINAL_RESPONSE' => { 'service' => 'STK', 'cid' => 2, }, 'MBIM_CID_STK_ENVELOPE' => { 'service' => 'STK', 'cid' => 3, }, 'MBIM_CID_AKA_AUTH' => { 'service' => 'AUTH', 'cid' => 1, }, 'MBIM_CID_AKAP_AUTH' => { 'service' => 'AUTH', 'cid' => 2, }, 'MBIM_CID_SIM_AUTH' => { 'service' => 'AUTH', 'cid' => 3, }, 'MBIM_CID_DSS_CONNECT' => { 'service' => 'DSS', 'cid' => 1, }, ## "well known" vendor specific services 'MBIM_CID_QMI' => { 'service' => 'EXT_QMUX', 'cid' => 1, }, 'MBIM_CID_MULTICARRIER_CAPABILITIES' => { 'service' => 'MULTICARRIER', 'cid' => 1, }, 'MBIM_CID_LOCATION_INFO' => { 'service' => 'MULTICARRIER', 'cid' => 2, }, 'MBIM_CID_MULTICARRIER_CURRENT_CID_LIST' => { 'service' => 'MULTICARRIER', 'cid' => 3, }, 'MBIM_CID_MSFWID_FIRMWAREID' => { 'service' => 'MSFWID', 'cid' => 1, }, 'MBIM_CID_MS HOSTSHUTDOWN' => { 'service' => 'MS_HOSTSHUTDOWN', 'cid' => 1, }, ## from https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/network/mb-provisioned-context-operations 'MBIM_CID_MS_PROVISIONED_CONTEXT_V2' => { 'service' => 'BASIC_CONNECT_EXTENSIONS', 'cid' => 1, }, 'MBIM_CID_MS_NETWORK_BLACKLIST' => { 'service' => 'BASIC_CONNECT_EXTENSIONS', 'cid' => 2, }, 'MBIM_CID_MS_LTE_ATTACH_CONFIG' => { 'service' => 'BASIC_CONNECT_EXTENSIONS', 'cid' => 3, }, 'MBIM_CID_MS_LTE_ATTACH_STATUS' => { 'service' => 'BASIC_CONNECT_EXTENSIONS', 'cid' => 4, }, 'MBIM_CID_MS_SYS_CAPS' => { 'service' => 'BASIC_CONNECT_EXTENSIONS', 'cid' => 5, }, 'MBIM_CID_MS_DEVICE_CAPS_V2' => { 'service' => 'BASIC_CONNECT_EXTENSIONS', 'cid' => 6, }, 'MBIM_CID_MS_DEVICE_SLOT_MAPPINGS' => { 'service' => 'BASIC_CONNECT_EXTENSIONS', 'cid' => 7, }, 'MBIM_CID_MS_SLOT_INFO_STATUS' => { 'service' => 'BASIC_CONNECT_EXTENSIONS', 'cid' => 8, }, 'MBIM_CID_MS_DEVICE_RESET' => { 'service' => 'BASIC_CONNECT_EXTENSIONS', 'cid' => 10, }, 'MBIM_CID_PCO' => { 'service' => 'BASIC_CONNECT_EXTENSIONS', 'cid' => 41, }, # ?? number 'MBIM_CID_BASE_STATIONS_INFO' => { 'service' => 'BASIC_CONNECT_EXTENSIONS', 'cid' => 42, }, # ?? number 'MBIM_CID_LOCATION_INFO_STATUS' => { 'service' => 'BASIC_CONNECT_EXTENSIONS', 'cid' => 43, }, # ?? number ## from https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/network/mb-low-level-uicc-access 'MBIM_CID_MS_UICC_ATR' => { 'service' => 'MS_UICC_LOW_LEVEL', 'cid' => 1, }, 'MBIM_CID_MS_UICC_OPEN_CHANNEL' => { 'service' => 'MS_UICC_LOW_LEVEL', 'cid' => 2, }, 'MBIM_CID_MS_UICC_CLOSE_CHANNEL' => { 'service' => 'MS_UICC_LOW_LEVEL', 'cid' => 3, }, 'MBIM_CID_MS_UICC_APDU' => { 'service' => 'MS_UICC_LOW_LEVEL', 'cid' => 4, }, 'MBIM_CID_MS_UICC_TERMINAL_CAPABILITY' => { 'service' => 'MS_UICC_LOW_LEVEL', 'cid' => 5, }, 'MBIM_CID_MS_UICC_RESET' => { 'service' => 'MS_UICC_LOW_LEVEL', 'cid' => 6, }, ## from https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/network/mb-sar-platform-support 'MBIM_CID_MS_SAR_CONFIG' => { 'service' => 'MS_SAR_CONTROL', 'cid' => 1, }, # ?? number 'MBIM_CID_MS_TRANSMISSION_STATUS' => { 'service' => 'MS_SAR_CONTROL', 'cid' => 2, }, # ?? number ## from Telit_xN930_MBIM_Command_Functional_Specification_r2.pdf 'MBIM_CID_ATDS_SIGNAL' => { 'service' => 'ATDS', 'cid' => 1, }, 'MBIM_CID_ATDS_LOCATION' => { 'service' => 'ATDS', 'cid' => 2, }, 'MBIM_CID_ATDS_OPERATORS' => { 'service' => 'ATDS', 'cid' => 3, }, 'MBIM_CID_ATDS_RAT' => { 'service' => 'ATDS', 'cid' => 4, }, 'MBIM_CID_ATDS_REGISTER_STATE' => { 'service' => 'ATDS', 'cid' => 9, }, 'MBIM_CID_ATDS_RAT_DISPLAY' => { 'service' => 'ATDS', 'cid' => 11, }, 'MBIM_CID_INTC_SAR_CONFIG' => { 'service' => 'INTEL_SAR', 'cid' => 1, }, 'MBIM_CID_INTC_THERMAL_STATE' => { 'service' => 'INTEL_DPTF', 'cid' => 0x02000100, }, 'MBIM_CID_INTC_MODEM_REBOOT' => { 'service' => 'INTEL_FWUSVC', 'cid' => 1, }, 'MBIM_CID_INTC_ADPCLK_MODE' => { 'service' => 'INTEL_ACT', 'cid' => 0x02000010, }, 'MBIM_CID_INTC_TRACE' => { 'service' => 'INTEL_TRCSVC', 'cid' => 1, }, 'MBIM_CID_INTC_TRACE_DATA' => { 'service' => 'INTEL_TRCSVC', 'cid' => 2, }, 'MBIM_CID_INTC_NRTAPP' => { 'service' => 'INTEL_NRTC', 'cid' => 1, }, 'MBIM_CID_INTC_NRTCWS' => { 'service' => 'INTEL_NRTC', 'cid' => 2, }, 'MBIM_CID_INTC_USBPROFILE' => { 'service' => 'INTEL_USBPROFILE', 'cid' => 1, }, 'MBIM_CID_INTC_CIQ' => { 'service' => 'INTEL_CIQ', 'cid' => 1, }, 'MBIM_CID_PROXY_CONFIGURATION' => { 'service' => 'PROXY_CONTROL', 'cid' => 1, }, ); sub cid_to_string { my ($service, $cid) = @_; my ($name) = grep { $cid{$_}->{service} eq $service && $cid{$_}->{cid} == $cid } keys %cid; return $name || " ($cid)"; } # MBIM_MESSAGE_HEADER sub init_msg_header { my $type = shift; return &_push('', "VVV", $type, 0, $tid++); } # MBIM_FRAGMENT_HEADER sub push_fragment_header { my ($buf, $total, $current) = @_; return $buf = &_push($buf, "VV", $total, $current); } # MBIM_OPEN_MSG sub mk_open_msg { my $buf = &init_msg_header(1); # MBIM_OPEN_MSG $buf = &_push($buf, "V", $maxctrl); # MaxControlTransfer if ($debug) { my $n = length($buf); warn("[" . localtime . "] sending $n bytes to $mgmt\n"); print "\n---\n"; printf "%02x " x $n, unpack("C*", $buf); print "\n---\n"; } return $buf; } # MBIM_CLOSE_MSG sub mk_close_msg { my $buf = &init_msg_header(2); # MBIM_CLOSE_MSG if ($debug) { my $n = length($buf); warn("[" . localtime . "] sending $n bytes to $mgmt\n"); print "\n---\n"; printf "%02x " x $n, unpack("C*", $buf); print "\n---\n"; } return $buf; } # MBIM_COMMAND_MSG sub mk_command_msg { my ($service, $cid, $type, $info) = @_; my $uuid = string_to_uuid($uuid{"UUID_$service"} || $service) || return ''; my $buf = &init_msg_header(3); # MBIM_COMMAND_MSG $buf = &push_fragment_header($buf, 1, 0); $uuid =~ tr/-//d; $buf = &_push($buf, "a*", $uuid); # DeviceServiceId $buf = &_push($buf, "VVV", $cid, # CID $type, # 0 for a query operation, 1 for a Set operation. length($info), # InformationBufferLength ); $buf = &_push($buf, "a*", $info); # InformationBuffer if ($debug) { my $n = length($buf); warn("[" . localtime . "] sending $n bytes to $mgmt\n"); print "\n---\n"; printf "%02x " x $n, unpack("C*", $buf); print "\n---\n"; } return $buf; } # MBIM_HOST_ERROR_MSG sub mk_host_error_msg { my $errorcode = shift; my $buf = &init_msg_header(4); # MBIM_HOST_ERROR_MSG $buf = &_push($buf, "V", $errorcode); # ErrorStatusCode return $buf; } # Table 10‐62: MBIM_AUTH_PROTOCOL my %authproto = ( 0 => 'MBIMAuthProtocolNone', 1 => 'MBIMAuthProtocolPap', 2 => 'MBIMAuthProtocolChap', 3 => 'MBIMAuthProtocolMsChapV2', ); # Table 10‐63: MBIM_CONTEXT_IP_TYPE my %iptype = ( 0 => 'MBIMContextIPTypeDefault', 1 => 'MBIMContextIPTypeIPv4', 2 => 'MBIMContextIPTypeIPv6', 3 => 'MBIMContextIPTypeIPv4v6', 4 => 'MBIMContextIPTypeIPv4AndIPv6', ); # Table 10‐64: MBIM_ACTIVATION_STATE my %actstate = ( 0 => 'MBIMActivationStateUnknown', 1 => 'MBIMActivationStateActivated', 2 => 'MBIMActivationStateActivating', 3 => 'MBIMActivationStateDeactivated', 4 => 'MBIMActivationStateDeactivating', ); # Table 10‐65: MBIM_VOICE_CALL_STATE my %voicestate = ( 0 => 'MBIMVoiceCallStateNone', 1 => 'MBIMVoiceCallStateInProgress', 2 => 'MBIMVoiceCallStateHangUp', ); # Table 10‐66: MBIM_CONTEXT_TYPES my %context = ( 'MBIMContextTypeNone' => 'B43F758C-A560-4B46-B35E-C5869641FB54', 'MBIMContextTypeInternet' => '7E5E2A7E-4E6F-7272-736B-656E7E5E2A7E', 'MBIMContextTypeVpn' => '9B9F7BBE-8952-44B7-83AC-CA41318DF7A0', 'MBIMContextTypeVoice' => '88918294-0EF4-4396-8CCA-A8588FBC02B2', 'MBIMContextTypeVideoShare' => '05A2A716-7C34-4B4D-9A91-C5EF0C7AAACC', 'MBIMContextTypePurchase' => 'B3272496-AC6C-422B-A8C0-ACF687A27217', 'MBIMContextTypeIMS' => '21610D01-3074-4BCE-9425-B53A07D697D6', 'MBIMContextTypeMMS' => '46726664-7269-6BC6-9624-D1D35389ACA9', 'MBIMContextTypeLocal' => 'A57A9AFC-B09F-45D7-BB40-033C39F60DB9', ); sub type_to_context { my $type = uc(shift); my ($context) = grep { $context{$_} eq $type } keys %context; return $context || ''; } # MBIM_CID_DEVICE_CAPS sub mk_cid_device_caps { # query - empty data buffer return &mk_command_msg('BASIC_CONNECT', 1, 0, ''); } sub mk_cid_register_state { # query - empty data buffer return &mk_command_msg('BASIC_CONNECT', 9, 0, ''); } sub mk_cid_packet_service { my $attach = shift; my $data = pack("V", !$attach); # PacketServiceAction 0 => attach, 1 => detach return &mk_command_msg('BASIC_CONNECT', 10, 1, $data); } sub mk_cid_dss_connect { my ($uuid, $linkstate, $sessionid) = @_; warn "Connecting SessionID=$sessionid to \"$uuid\"\n"; $sessionid ||= 0; # create the data buffer: my $data = string_to_uuid($uuid). pack("VV", $sessionid, # SessionId !!$linkstate, # DssLinkState ); return &mk_command_msg('DSS', 1, 1, $data); } sub mk_cid_connect { my ($apn, $activate, $sessionid, $iptype, $contexttype) = @_; $sessionid ||= 0; $iptype ||= 1; # IPv4 $contexttype ||= 'Internet'; $contexttype = "MBIMContextType$contexttype"; $contexttype = 'MBIMContextTypeNone' unless exists($context{$contexttype}); warn "Connecting SessionID=$sessionid to \"$apn\"\n"; $apn = encode('utf16le', $apn); my $apnlen = length($apn); # create the data buffer: my $data = pack("V11", $sessionid, # SessionId !!$activate, # ActivationCommand 60, # AccessStringOffset $apnlen, # AccessStringSize 0, # UserNameOffset 0, # UserNameSize 0, # PasswordOffset 0, # PasswordSize 0, # Compression 0, # AuthProtocol $iptype, # IPType ); $data .= string_to_uuid($context{$contexttype}); $data .= $apn; return &mk_command_msg('BASIC_CONNECT', 12, 1, $data); } # from https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/network/mb-provisioned-context-operations # MBIM_MS_CONTEXT_ROAMING_CONTROL table: my %ms_roaming = ( 0 => 'MbimMsContextRoamingControlHomeOnly', # Indicates whether the context is only allowed to be used in the home network or not. 1 => 'MbimMsContextRoamingControlPartnerOnly', # Indicates whether the context is only allowed to be used in partner roaming networks or not. 2 => 'MbimMsContextRoamingControlNonPartnerOnly', # Indicates whether the context is only allowed to be used in non-partner roaming networks or not. 3 => 'MbimMsContextRoamingControlHomeAndPartner', # Indicates whether the context is allowed to be used in home and partner roaming networks. 4 => 'MbimMsContextRoamingControlHomeAndNonPartner', # Indicates whether the context is allowed to be used in home and non-partner roaming networks. 5 => 'MbimMsContextRoamingControlPartnerAndNonPartner', # Indicates whether the context is allowed to be used in partner and non-partner roaming networks. 6 => 'MbimMsContextRoamingControlAllowAll', # Indicates whether the context is allowed to be used in any roaming condition. ); # MBIM_MS_CONTEXT_MEDIA_TYPE my %ms_media = ( 0 => 'MbimMsContextMediaTypeCellularOnly', # Indicates whether the context is only allowed to be used when registered over cellular. 1 => 'MbimMsContextMediaTypeWifiOnly', # Indicates whether the context is only allowed to be used when registered over iWLAN (Wi-Fi offload). 2 => 'MbimMsContextMediaTypeAll', # Indicates whether the context is allowed to be used when registered either through Cellular or Wi-Fi. ); # MBIM_MS_CONTEXT_SOURCE my %ms_source = ( 0 => 'MbimMsContextSourceAdmin', # The context was created by an Enterprise IT admin from the OS. 1 => 'MbimMsContextSourceUser', # The context was created by the user through OS settings. 2 => 'MbimMsContextSourceOperator', # The context was created by the operator through OMA-DM or other channels. 3 => 'MbimMsContextSourceModem', # The context was created by the IHV or OEM that was included with the modem firmware. 4 => 'MbimMsContextSourceDevice', # The context was created by the OS APN database. ); sub decode_mbim_context { my $info = shift; my $ver = shift || 'v1'; my $id = unpack("V", $info); print " ContextId:\t$id\n"; my $type = uuid_to_string(substr($info, 4, 16)); print " ContextType:\t$type (", &type_to_context($type), ")\n"; my $next = 20; if ($ver eq 'v2') { my ($iptype, $enable, $roaming, $mediatype, $source) = unpack("V5", substr($info, $next)); print " IPType:\t$iptype{$iptype} ($iptype)\n"; print " Enable:\t", $enable ? 'true' : 'false', "\n"; print " Roaming:\t$ms_roaming{$roaming} ($roaming)\n"; print " MediaType:\t$ms_media{$mediatype} ($mediatype)\n"; print " Source:\t$ms_source{$source} ($source)\n"; $next += 20; } my ($apnoff, $apnlen, $useroff, $userlen, $pwoff, $pwlen, $comp, $auth) = unpack("V8", substr($info, $next)); print " AccessString:\t", $apnlen ? substr($info, $apnoff, $apnlen): '', "\n"; print " UserName:\t", $userlen ? substr($info, $useroff, $userlen): '', "\n"; print " Password:\t", $pwlen ? substr($info, $pwoff, $pwlen): '', "\n"; print " Compression:\t$comp\n"; print " AuthProtocol:\t$auth\n"; } sub mk_cid_radio_state { my $on = shift; return $on ? &mk_command_msg('BASIC_CONNECT', 3, 1, pack("V", 1)) : &mk_command_msg('BASIC_CONNECT', 3, 0, ''); } sub mk_cid_pin { my $pin = shift; # create the data buffer: my $data = pack("VVVVVV", 2, #MBIMPinTypePin1 0, #MBIMPinOperationEnter 24, # offset 8, # PinSize 0, 0); $data .= encode('utf16le', $pin); return &mk_command_msg('BASIC_CONNECT', 4, 1, $data); } # Table 10‐7: MBIM_DEVICE_TYPE my %devicetype = ( 1 => 'MBIMDeviceTypeEmbedded', 2 => 'MBIMDeviceTypeRemovable', 3 => 'MBIMDeviceTypeRemote', ); # Table 10‐8: MBIM_CELLULAR_CLASS my %cellclass = ( 1 => 'MBIMCellularClassGsm', 2 => 'MBIMCellularClassCdma', ); # Table 10‐9: MBIM_VOICE_CLASS my %voiceclass = ( 0 => 'MBIMVoiceClassUnknown', 1 => 'MBIMVoiceClassNoVoice', 2 => 'MBIMVoiceClassSeparateVoiceData', 3 => 'MBIMVoiceClassSimultaneousVoiceData', ); # Table 10‐10: MBIM_SIM_CLASS my %simclass = ( 1 => 'MBIMSimClassSimLogical', 2 => 'MBIMSimClassSimRemovable', ); # Table 10‐11: MBIM_DATA_CLASS my %dataclass = ( 0x0 => 'MBIMDataClassNone', 0x1 => 'MBIMDataClassGPRS', 0x2 => 'MBIMDataClassEDGE', 0x4 => 'MBIMDataClassUMTS', 0x8 => 'MBIMDataClassHSDPA', 0x10 => 'MBIMDataClassHSUPA', 0x20 => 'MBIMDataClassLTE', # 40h - 8000h Reserved for future GSM classes 0x10000 => 'MBIMDataClass1XRTT', 0x20000 => 'MBIMDataClass1XEVDO', 0x40000 => 'MBIMDataClass1XEVDORevA', 0x80000 => 'MBIMDataClass1XEVDV', 0x100000 => 'MBIMDataClass3XRTT', 0x200000 => 'MBIMDataClass1XEVDORevB', 0x400000 => 'MBIMDataClassUMB', # 800000h - 40000000h Reserved for future CDMA classes 0x80000000 => 'MBIMDataClassCustom', ); # Table 10‐12: MBIM_SMS_CAPS my %smscaps = ( 1 => 'MBIMSmsCapsPduReceive', 2 => 'MBIMSmsCapsPduSend', 4 => 'MBIMSmsCapsTextReceive', 8 => 'MBIMSmsCapsTextSend', ); # Table 10‐13: MBIM_CTRL_CAPS my %ctrlcaps = ( 0x01 => 'MBIMCtrlCapsRegManual', 0x02 => 'MBIMCtrlCapsHwRadioSwitch', 0x04 => 'MBIMCtrlCapsCdmaMobileIp', 0x08 => 'MBIMCtrlCapsCdmaSimpleIp', 0x10 => 'MBIMCtrlCapsMultiCarrier', ); sub value_to_class { my $value = shift; my $rh_class = shift; my $ret = $rh_class->{$value} || 'Unknown'; $ret =~ s/MBIM[A-Z][a-z]+(?:Class|Caps|Type)//; return $ret; } sub flags_to_class { my $flags = shift; my $rh_class = shift; my @class = map { my $x = $rh_class->{$_}; $x =~ s/MBIM[A-Z][a-z]+(?:Class|Caps|Type)//; $x } grep { $flags & $_ } sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$rh_class; return join(', ', @class) || 'None'; } # Table 10‐16: MBIM_SUBSCRIBER_READY_STATE my %readystate = ( 0 => 'MBIMSubscriberReadyStateNotInitialized', 1 => 'MBIMSubscriberReadyStateInitialized', 2 => 'MBIMSubscriberReadyStateSimNotInserted', 3 => 'MBIMSubscriberReadyStateBadSim', 4 => 'MBIMSubscriberReadyStateFailure', 5 => 'MBIMSubscriberReadyStateNotActivated', 6 => 'MBIMSubscriberReadyStateDeviceLocked', ); # Table 10‐17: MBIM_UNIQUE_ID_FLAGS my %readyinfo = ( 0 => 'MBIMReadyInfoFlagsNone', 1 => 'MBIMReadyInfoFlagsProtectUniqueID', ); # Table 10‐24: MBIM_PIN_TYPE my %pintype = ( 0 => 'MBIMPinTypeNone', 1 => 'MBIMPinTypeCustom', 2 => 'MBIMPinTypePin1', 3 => 'MBIMPinTypePin2 ', 4 => 'MBIMPinTypeDeviceSimPin', 5 => 'MBIMPinTypeDeviceFirstSimPin', 6 => 'MBIMPinTypeNetworkPin', 7 => 'MBIMPinTypeNetworkSubsetPin', 8 => 'MBIMPinTypeServiceProviderPin', 9 => 'MBIMPinTypeCorporatePin', 10 => 'MBIMPinTypeSubsidyLock', 11 => 'MBIMPinTypePuk1', 12 => 'MBIMPinTypePuk2', 13 => 'MBIMPinTypeDeviceFirstSimPuk', 14 => 'MBIMPinTypeNetworkPuk', 15 => 'MBIMPinTypeNetworkSubsetPuk', 16 => 'MBIMPinTypeServiceProviderPuk', 17 => 'MBIMPinTypeCorporatePuk', ); # Table 10‐25: MBIM_PIN_STATE my %pinstate = ( 0 => 'MBIMPinStateUnlocked', 1 => 'MBIMPinStateLocked', ); sub decode_pin_state { my $info = shift; my ($type, $state, $attempts) = unpack("V3", $info); print " PINType:\t$type ($pintype{$type})\n"; print " PINState:\t$state ($pinstate{$state})\n"; print " RemainingAttempts:\t$attempts\n"; } # Table 10‐31: MBIM_PIN_MODE my %pinmode = ( 0 => 'MBIMPinModeNotSupported', 1 => 'MBIMPinModeEnabled', 2 => 'MBIMPinModeDisabled', ); # Table 10‐32: MBIM_PIN_FORMAT my %pinformat = ( 0 => 'MBIMPinFormatUnknown', 1 => 'MBIMPinFormatNumeric', 2 => 'MBIMPinFormatAlphaNumeric', ); sub decode_pin_desc { my ($info, $desc) = @_; my ($mode, $format, $min, $max) = unpack("V4", $info); $mode = $pinmode{$mode} || 'MBIMPinModeUnknown'; $format = $pinformat{$format} || 'MBIMPinFormatUnknown'; $mode =~ s/^MBIMPinMode//; $format =~ s/^MBIMPinFormat//; print " $desc:\t$mode, $format, min = $min, max = $max\n"; } # Table 10‐37: MBIM_PROVIDER sub decode_mbim_provider { my $info = shift; my ($off, $size, $state, $nameoff, $namesize, $class, $rssi, $errorrate)= unpack("VVVVVVVV", $info); print " ProviderId:\t", &utf16_field($info, $off, $size), "\n"; print " ProviderState:\t$state\n"; print " ProviderName:\t", &utf16_field($info, $nameoff, $namesize), "\n"; print " CellularClass:\t$class\n"; print " RSSI:\t$rssi\n"; print " ErrorRate:\t$errorrate\n"; } # Table 10‐39: MBIM_PROVIDERS sub decode_mbim_providers { my $info = shift; my $ec = unpack("V", $info); print " ElementCount (EC): $ec\n ProvidersRefList:\n"; for (my $i = 0; $i < $ec; $i++) { my ($off, $len) = unpack("VV", substr($info, 4 + 8 * $i, 8)); &decode_mbim_provider(substr($info, $off, $len)); } } # Table 10‐44: 3GPP TS 24.008 Cause codes for NwError my %nwerror = ( 0 => 'none', 2 => 'International Mobile Subscriber', 4 => 'IMSI unknown in VLR', 6 => 'Illegal ME', 7 => 'GPRS services not allowed', 8 => 'GPRS and non‐GPRS services not allowed', 11 => 'PLMN not allowed', 12 => 'Location area not allowed', 13 => 'Roaming not allowed in this', 14 => 'GPRS services not allowed in this PLMN', 15 => 'No suitable cells in location area', 17 => 'Network failure', 22 => 'Congestion', ); # Table 10‐46: MBIM_REGISTER_STATE my %regstate = ( 0 => 'MBIMRegisterStateUnknown', 1 => 'MBIMRegisterStateDeregistered', 2 => 'MBIMRegisterStateSearching', 3 => 'MBIMRegisterStateHome', 4 => 'MBIMRegisterStateRoaming', 5 => 'MBIMRegisterStatePartner', 6 => 'MBIMRegisterStateDenied' ); # Table 10‐47: MBIM_REGISTER_MODE my %regmode = ( 0 => 'MBIMRegisterModeUnknown', 1 => 'MBIMRegisterModeAutomatic', 2 => 'MBIMRegisterModeManual', ); sub utf16_field { my ($buf, $off, $len) = @_; return $len ? "[$len] ". decode('utf16le', substr($buf, $off, $len)) : '[0] '; } # Table 10‐50: MBIM_REGISTRATION_STATE_INFO sub decode_registration_state { my $info = shift; my ($nwerr, $state, $mode, $availclass, $currclass, $idoff, $idsize, $nameoff, $namesize, $roamtxt, $roamlen, $flag) = unpack("V12", $info); print " NwError:\t$nwerr ($nwerror{$nwerr})\n"; print " RegisterState:\t$state ($regstate{$state})\n"; print " RegisterMode:\t$mode ($regmode{$mode})\n"; printf " AvailableDataClasses:\t0x%08x %s\n", $availclass, &flags_to_class($availclass, \%dataclass); printf " CurrentCellularClass:\t0x%08x %s\n", $currclass, &value_to_class($currclass, \%dataclass); print " ProviderId:\t", &utf16_field($info, $idoff, $idsize), "\n"; print " ProviderName:\t", &utf16_field($info, $nameoff, $namesize), "\n"; print " RoamingtText:\t", &utf16_field($info, $roamtxt, $roamlen), "\n"; printf " RegistrationFlag:\t0x%08x\n", $flag; } # Table 10‐53: MBIM_PACKET_SERVICE_STATE my %packetstate = ( 0 => 'MBIMPacketServiceStateUnknown', 1 => 'MBIMPacketServiceStateAttaching', 2 => 'MBIMPacketServiceStateAttached', 3 => 'MBIMPacketServiceStateDetaching', 4 => 'MBIMPacketServiceStateDetached', ); # Table 10‐138: MBIM_DEVICE_SERVICE_ELEMENT sub decode_device_service { my $info = shift; my $uuid = uuid_to_string(substr($info, 0, 16)); my $service = uuid_to_service($uuid); print " $service ($uuid)\n"; my ($payload, $max, $cids)= unpack("V3", substr($info, 16)); printf " DssPayload:\t0x%08x%s%s\n", $payload, $payload & 0x1 ? "\tout" : '', $payload & 0x2 ? "\tin" : ''; print " MaxDssInstances:\t$max\n"; print " CidCount:\t$cids\n"; my @cids = unpack("V$cids", substr($info, 28, 4 * $cids)); print " CidList:\t", join(', ', @cids), "\n"; foreach my $cid (@cids) { print " ", &cid_to_string($service, $cid), "\n"; } } # Table 10‐141: MBIM_EVENT_ENTRY sub decode_event_entry { my $info = shift; my $uuid = uuid_to_string(substr($info, 0, 16)); my $service = uuid_to_service($uuid); print " $service ($uuid)\n"; my $cids = unpack("V", substr($info, 16, 4)); print " CidCount:\t$cids\n"; my @cids = unpack("V$cids", substr($info, 20, 4 * $cids)); print " CidList:\t", join(', ', @cids), "\n"; foreach my $cid (@cids) { print " ", &cid_to_string($service, $cid), "\n"; } } my %ipcfg = ( 0x01 => 'address', 0x02 => 'gateway', 0x04 => 'dns', 0x08 => 'mtu', ); # Table 10‐101: MBIM_IPV4_ADDRESS sub ipv4_address { my $info = shift; return join('.', unpack("C4", $info)); } # Table 10‐103: MBIM_IPV6_ADDRESS sub ipv6_address { my $info = shift; my $x = sprintf join(":", ("%x") x 8), unpack("n8", $info); my $ip = new Net::IP ($x); return $ip->short(); } # Table 10‐102: MBIM_IPV4_ELEMENT sub ipv4_element { my $info = shift; my $pfxlen = unpack("V", $info); return &ipv4_address(substr($info, 4, 4)) . "/$pfxlen"; } # Table 10‐104: MBIM_IPV6_ELEMENT sub ipv6_element { my $info = shift; my $pfxlen = unpack("V", $info); return &ipv6_address(substr($info, 4, 16)) . "/$pfxlen"; } sub decode_device_caps { my $info = shift; my $ver = shift || 'v1'; my ($type, $class, $voiceclass, $simclass, $dataclass, $smscaps, $ctrlcaps, $maxsessions, $custoff, $custlen, $idoff, $idlen, $fwoff, $fwlen, $hwoff, $hwlen) = unpack("V16", $info); print " DeviceType:\t", &value_to_class($type, \%devicetype), " ($type)\n"; printf " CellularClass:\t0x%08x %s\n", $class, &value_to_class($class, \%cellclass); printf " VoiceClass:\t0x%08x %s\n", $voiceclass, &value_to_class($voiceclass, \%voiceclass); printf " SIMClass:\t0x%08x %s\n", $simclass, &value_to_class($simclass, \%simclass); printf " DataClass:\t0x%08x %s\n", $dataclass, &flags_to_class($dataclass, \%dataclass); printf " SMSCaps:\t0x%08x %s\n", $smscaps, &flags_to_class($smscaps, \%smscaps); printf " ControlCaps:\t0x%08x %s\n", $ctrlcaps, &flags_to_class($ctrlcaps, \%ctrlcaps); print " MaxSessions:\t$maxsessions\n"; print " CustomDataClass:\t", &utf16_field($info, $custoff, $custlen), "\n"; print " DeviceId:\t", &utf16_field($info, $idoff, $idlen), "\n"; print " FirmwareInfo:\t", &utf16_field($info, $fwoff, $fwlen), "\n"; print " HardwareInfo:\t", &utf16_field($info, $hwoff, $hwlen), "\n"; if ($ver eq 'v2') { my $exec_idx = unpack("V", substr($info, 64, 4)); print " ExecutorIndex:\t$exec_idx\n"; } } sub decode_basic_connect { my ($cid, $info, $set) = @_; if ($cid == 1) { # MBIM_CID_DEVICE_CAPS &decode_device_caps($info); } elsif ($cid == 2) { # MBIM_CID_SUBSCRIBER_READY_STATUS my ($state, $idoff, $idlen, $iccidoff, $iccidlen, $flags, $ec ) = unpack("VVVVVVV", $info); print " ReadyState:\t$readystate{$state} ($state)\n"; print " SubscriberId:\t", &utf16_field($info, $idoff, $idlen), "\n"; print " SimIccId:\t", &utf16_field($info, $iccidoff, $iccidlen), "\n"; print " ReadyInfo:\t$readyinfo{$flags} ($flags)\n"; print " ElementCount (EC):\t$ec\n"; for (my $i = 0; $i < $ec; $i++) { my ($off, $len) = unpack("VV", substr($info, 28 + 8 * $i, 8)); print " TelephoneNumber $i:\t", &utf16_field($info, $off, $len), "\n"; } } elsif ($cid == 3) { # MBIM_CID_RADIO_STATE my ($hw, $sw) = unpack("VV", $info); printf " HwRadioState:\t%s\n", $hw ? 'on' : 'off'; printf " SwRadioState:\t%s\n", $sw ? 'on' : 'off'; } elsif ($cid == 4) { # MBIM_CID_PIN &decode_pin_state($info); } elsif ($cid == 5) { # MBIM_CID_PIN_LIST my $i = 0; for my $pin (qw/Pin1 Pin2 DeviceSimPin DeviceFirstSimPin NetworkPin NetworkSubsetPin ServiceProviderPin CorporatePin SubsidyLock Custom/) { &decode_pin_desc(substr($info, $i++ * 16, 16), $pin); } } elsif ($cid == 6) { # MBIM_CID_HOME_PROVIDER &decode_mbim_provider($info); } elsif ($cid == 7) { # MBIM_CID_PREFERRED_PROVIDERS &decode_mbim_providers($info); } elsif ($cid == 9) { # MBIM_CID_REGISTER_STATE &decode_registration_state($info); } elsif ($cid == 10) { #MBIM_CID_PACKET_SERVICE my ($nwerr, $state, $class, $upspeed, $downspeed) = unpack("V3Q<2", $info); print " NwError:\t$nwerror{$nwerr} ($nwerr)\n"; print " PacketServiceState:\t$packetstate{$state} ($state)\n"; printf " HighestAvailableDataClass:\t0x%08x %s\n", $class, &flags_to_class($class, \%dataclass); print " UplinkSpeed:\t$upspeed\n"; print " DownlinkSpeed:\t$downspeed\n"; } elsif ($cid == 11) { # MBIM_CID_SIGNAL_STATE my ($rssi, $errorrate, $interval, $rssitresh, $errorthresh)= unpack("VVVVV", $info); print " RSSI:\t$rssi\n"; print " ErrorRate:\t$errorrate\n"; print " SignalStrengthInterval:\t$interval\n"; print " RSSIThreshold:\t$rssi\n"; print " ErrorRateThreshold:\t$errorrate\n"; } elsif ($cid == 12 && !$set) { # MBIM_CID_CONNECT my ($id, $state, $voicestate, $iptype) = unpack("V4", $info); print " SessionId:\t$id\n"; print " ActivationState:\t$actstate{$state} ($state)\n"; print " VoiceCallState:\t$voicestate{$voicestate} ($voicestate)\n"; print " IPType:\t$iptype{$iptype} ($iptype)\n"; my $type = uuid_to_string(substr($info, 16, 16)); print " ContextType:\t$type (", &type_to_context($type), ")\n"; my $nwerr = unpack("V", substr($info, 32, 4)); print " NwError:\t$nwerr (", $nwerror{$nwerr} || 'unknown', ")\n"; } elsif ($cid == 12 && $set) { # MBIM_CID_CONNECT my ($id, $actcmd, $apnoff, $apnlen, $useroff, $userlen, $pwoff, $pwlen, $comp, $auth, $iptype) = unpack("V11", $info); print " SessionId:\t$id\n"; print " ActivationCommand:\t", $actcmd ? "Activate" : "Deactivate", "\n"; print " AccessString:\t", &utf16_field($info, $apnoff, $apnlen), "\n"; print " UserName:\t", &utf16_field($info, $useroff, $userlen), "\n"; print " Password:\t", &utf16_field($info, $pwoff, $pwlen), "\n"; print " Compression:\t", $comp ? "Enable" : "None", "\n"; print " AuthProtocol:\t$authproto{$auth} ($auth)\n"; print " IPType:\t$iptype{$iptype} ($iptype)\n"; my $type = uuid_to_string(substr($info, 44, 16)); print " ContextType:\t$type (", &type_to_context($type), ")\n"; } elsif ($cid == 13) { # MBIM_CID_PROVISIONED_CONTEXTS my $ec = unpack("V", $info); print " ElementCount (EC): $ec\n ProvisionedContextRefList:\n"; for (my $i = 0; $i < $ec; $i++) { print " Context #$i:\n"; my ($off, $len) = unpack("VV", substr($info, 4 + 8 * $i, 8)); &decode_mbim_context(substr($info, $off, $len)); } } elsif ($cid == 15) { # MBIM_CID_IP_CONFIGURATION my ($id, $ipv4cfg, $ipv6cfg, $ipv4c, $ipv4o, $ipv6c, $ipv6o, $ipv4gw, $ipv6gw, $ipv4dnsc, $ipv4dnso, $ipv6dnsc, $ipv6dnso, $ipv4mtu, $ipv6mtu) = unpack("V15", $info); print " SessionId:\t$id\n"; printf " IPv4ConfigurationAvailable:\t0x%08x %s\n", $ipv4cfg, &flags_to_class($ipv4cfg, \%ipcfg); printf " IPv6ConfigurationAvailable:\t0x%08x %s\n", $ipv6cfg, &flags_to_class($ipv6cfg, \%ipcfg); if ($ipv4cfg & 0x01) { # address print " IPv4AddressCount:\t$ipv4c\n"; for (my $i = 0; $i < $ipv4c; $i++) { print " ", &ipv4_element(substr($info, $ipv4o + $i * 8, 8)), "\n"; } } if ($ipv6cfg & 0x01) { # address print " IPv6AddressCount:\t$ipv6c\n"; for (my $i = 0; $i < $ipv6c; $i++) { print " ", &ipv6_element(substr($info, $ipv6o + $i * 20, 20)), "\n"; } } if ($ipv4cfg & 0x02) { # gateway print " IPv4Gateway:\t", &ipv4_address(substr($info, $ipv4gw, 4)), "\n"; } if ($ipv6cfg & 0x02) { # gateway print " IPv6Gateway:\t", &ipv6_address(substr($info, $ipv6gw, 16)), "\n"; } if ($ipv4cfg & 0x04) { # dns print " IPv4DnsServerCount:\t$ipv4dnsc\n"; for (my $i = 0; $i < $ipv4dnsc; $i++) { print " ", &ipv4_address(substr($info, $ipv4dnso + $i * 4, 4)), "\n"; } } if ($ipv6cfg & 0x04) { # dns print " IPv6DnsServerCount:\t$ipv6dnsc\n"; for (my $i = 0; $i < $ipv6dnsc; $i++) { print " ", &ipv6_address(substr($info, $ipv6dnso + $i * 16, 16)), "\n"; } } if ($ipv4cfg & 0x08) { # mtu print " IPv4Mtu:\t$ipv4mtu\n"; } if ($ipv6cfg & 0x08) { # mtu print " IPv6Mtu:\t$ipv6mtu\n"; } } elsif ($cid == 16) { # MBIM_CID_DEVICE_SERVICES my ($dsc, $max) = unpack("VV", $info); print " DeviceServicesCount (DSC):\t$dsc\n"; print " MaxDssSessions:\t$max\n"; for (my $i = 0; $i < $dsc; $i++) { my ($off, $len) = unpack("VV", substr($info, 8 + 8 * $i, 8)); &decode_device_service(substr($info, $off, $len)); } } elsif ($cid == 19) { # MBIM_CID_DEVICE_SERVICE_SUBSCRIBE_LIST my $ec = unpack("V", $info); print " ElementCount (EC): $ec\n DeviceServiceSubscribeRefList:\n"; for (my $i = 0; $i < $ec; $i++) { my ($off, $len) = unpack("VV", substr($info, 4 + 8 * $i, 8)); &decode_event_entry(substr($info, $off, $len)); } } else { print "CID $cid decoding is not yet supported\n"; print join(' ', map { sprintf "%02x", $_ } unpack("C*", $info)), "\n"; } } sub decode_ussd { my ($cid, $info) = @_; print "USSD CID $cid decoding is not yet supported\n"; } # Table 10‐113: MBIM_PHONEBOOK_STATE my %phonebookstate = ( 0 => 'MBIMPhonebookNotInitialized', 1 => 'MBIMPhonebookInitialized', ); sub decode_phonebook { my ($cid, $info) = @_; if ($cid == 1) { # MBIM_CID_PHONEBOOK_CONFIGURATION my ($state, $total, $used, $maxnumber, $maxname) = unpack("V5", $info); print " PhonebookState:\t$phonebookstate{$state}\n"; print " TotalNbrOfEntries:\t$total\n"; print " UsedEntries:\t$used\n"; print " MaxNumberLength:\t$maxnumber\n"; print " MaxNameLength:\t$maxname\n"; } else { print "PHONEBOOK CID $cid decoding is not yet supported\n"; } } sub decode_stk { my ($cid, $info) = @_; print "STK CID $cid decoding is not yet supported\n"; } sub decode_auth { my ($cid, $info) = @_; print "AUTH CID $cid decoding is not yet supported\n"; } # Table 10‐77: MBIM_SMS_STORAGE_STATE my %smsstoragestate = ( 0 => 'MBIMSmsStorageNotInitialized', 1 => 'MBIMSmsStorageInitialized', ); # Table 10‐78: MBIM_SMS_FORMAT my %smsformat = ( 0 => 'MBIMSmsFormatPdu', 1 => 'MBIMSmsFormatCdma', ); # Table 10‐85: MBIM_SMS_MESSAGE_STATUS my %smsmsgstatus = ( 0 => 'MBIMSmsStatusNew', 1 => 'MBIMSmsStatusOld', 2 => 'MBIMSmsStatusDraft', 3 => 'MBIMSmsStatusSent', ); # Table 10‐98: MBIM_SMS_STATUS_FLAGS my %smsflags = ( 0 => 'MBIM_SMS_FLAG_NONE', 1 => 'MBIM_SMS_FLAG_MESSAGE_STORE_FULL', 2 => 'MBIM_SMS_FLAG_NEW_MESSAGE', ); ################# #Stolen from http://nah6.com/~itsme/cvs-xdadevtools/perlutils/decodesms.pl # todo: add support for decoding cell broadcast message pdu's -> 23.041 # this script decodes raw smsses # 27.005 - Use of Data Terminal Equipment - Data Circuit terminating Equipment (DTE-DCE) interface for Short Message Service (SMS) and Cell Broadcast Service (CBS) # describes the at-commands involved in sending/receiving smsses # 23.040 - Technical realization of Short Message Service (SMS) # describes the encoding of smsses # 23.038 - Technical realization of Short Message Service (SMS) # describes the data coding schemes # # ms = mobilestation # SC = servicecenter my @pdutypes= ( # ms->SC | SC->ms [ 'deliver-report', 'deliver' ], # 0 [ 'submit', 'submit-report' ], # 1 [ 'command', 'status-report' ], # 2 [ 'unknown-out', 'unknown-in' ], # 3 ); # RP = Reply-Path # H = UDHI - userdata header indicator # SRI = status report indicator # SRR = status report requested # MMS = moremessages # RD = reject dups # VPF = validity period format # MR = message reference # OA = origination address # DA = destination address # VP = validity period # PID = protocol id # DCS = data coding scheme #SCTS = sc timestamp # DT = discharge time # UDL = userdata lenght # UD = user data # FCS = failure cause -- encoded as 'i' # PI = parameter indicator : bitmask # CT = command type # MN = message number # CDL = commandata length # CD = command data my %typeinfo= ( # 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 | 'deliver-report'=> ",FCS,PI,PID,DCS,UDL,UD,", # - H - - - MTI | FCS, PI, PID, DCS, UDL, UD 'deliver'=> ",OA,PID,DCS,SCTS,UDL,UD,", # RP H SRI - MMS MTI | OA, PID, DCS, SCTS, UDL, UD 'submit'=> ",MR,DA,PID,DCS,VP,UDL,UD,", # RP H SRR VPF RD MTI | MR, DA, PID, DCS, VP, UDL, UD 'submit-report'=> ",FCS,PI,SCTS,PID,DCS,UDL,UD,", # - H - - - MTI | FCS, PI, SCTS, PID, DCS, UDL, UD 'status-report'=> ",MR,RA,SCTS,DT,ST,PI,PID,DCS,UDL,UD,",# - H SRQ - MMS MTI | MR, RA, SCTS, DT, ST, PI, PID, DCS, UDL, UD 'command'=> ",MR,PID,CT,MN,DA,CDL,CD,", # - H SRR - - MTI | MR, PID, CT, MN, DA, CDL, CD ); sub hasfield { my ($pdutype, $field)= @_; return $typeinfo{$pdutype} =~ /,$field,/i; } my @numtypes= ( 'unknown', 'international', 'national', 'network', 'subscriber', 'alpha', 'abbrev', 'reserved' ); my @plantypes= ( 'Unknown', 'ISDN_e164', 'undef2', 'Data_x121', 'Telex', 'SCspec5', 'SCspec6', 'undef7', 'National', 'Private', 'ERMES', 'undefb', 'undefc', 'undefd', 'undefe', 'Reserved'); # TP-PID protocol identifier # bit7,6 == 00, bit5=0 : sme-to-sme protocol # bit7,6 == 00, bit5=1 : telematic interworking # 00000 implicit - device type is specific to this SC, or can be concluded on the basis of the address # 00001 telex (or teletex reduced to telex format) # 00010 group 3 telefax # 00011 group 4 telefax # 00100 voice telephone (i.e. conversion to speech) # 00101 ERMES (European Radio Messaging System) # 00110 National Paging system (known to the SC) # 00111 Videotex (T.100 [20] /T.101 [21]) # 01000 teletex, carrier unspecified # 01001 teletex, in PSPDN # 01010 teletex, in CSPDN # 01011 teletex, in analog PSTN # 01100 teletex, in digital ISDN # 01101 UCI (Universal Computer Interface, ETSI DE/PS 3 01-3) # 01110..01111 (reserved, 2 combinations) # 10000 a message handling facility (known to the SC) # 10001 any public X.400-based message handling system # 10010 Internet Electronic Mail # 10011..10111 (reserved, 5 combinations) # 11000..11110 values specific to each SC, usage based on mutual agreement between the SME and the SC (7 combinations available for each SC) # 11111 A GSM/UMTS mobile station. The SC converts the SM from the received TP-DCS to any data coding scheme supported by the MS ( default ) # bit7,6=01 # 000000 Short Message Type 0 # 000001 Replace Short Message Type 1 # 000010 Replace Short Message Type 2 # 000011 Replace Short Message Type 3 # 000100 Replace Short Message Type 4 # 000101 Replace Short Message Type 5 # 000110 Replace Short Message Type 6 # 000111 Replace Short Message Type 7 # 001000..011101 Reserved # 011110 Enhanced Message Service (Obsolete) # 011111 Return Call Message # 100000..111011 Reserved # 111100 ANSI-136 R-DATA # 111101 ME Data download # 111110 ME De-personalization Short Message # 111111 (U)SIM Data download # section 4.3: AT+CMGS=PDUDATA # length excluding smsc address # section 4.2: AT+CMGR= # -> +CMGR: ,[alpha],pdu # +CMT: [],pdu # # http://www.computer.org/portal/site/computer/menuitem.5d61c1d591162e4b0ef1bd108bcd45f3/index.jsp?&pName=computer_level1_article&TheCat=1055&path=computer/homepage/Dec07&file=howthings.xml&xsl=article.xsl& # type # 91 1 - international # a1 2 - national # d0 5 - 7bit ascii # 01 0 # 81 0 # struct address { # char nrofdigits; # struct { # int onebit:1 # int numbertype:3; # int numberingplan:4; # } type; # char value[ceil(nrofdigits/2)] # } # numbertype # 0 Unknown # 1 International number # 2 National number # 3 Network specific number # 4 Subscriber number # 5 Alphanumeric, (coded according to 3GPP TS 23.038 [9] GSM 7-bit default alphabet) # 6 Abbreviated number # 7 Reserved for extension # # numberingplan # 0 Unknown # 1 ISDN/telephone numbering plan (E.164 [17]/E.163[18]) # 2 # 3 Data numbering plan (X.121) # 4 Telex numbering plan # 5 Service Centre Specific plan 1) # 6 Service Centre Specific plan 1) # 7 # 8 National numbering plan # 9 Private numbering plan # a ERMES numbering plan (ETSI DE/PS 3 01-3) # b # c # d # e # f Reserved for extension # sms-submit: # bb # 00 MTI,RD,VPF,SRR,UDHI,RP # 01 MR # 02 TP-DA # .. # TP-PID # TP-DCS # TP-VP # .. # TP-UDL # TP-UD # SMS-DELIVER: # b b b b bb # # 00 ,SRI,UDHI,RP,MMS,MTI # 01 TP-DA # - TP-Message-Type-Indicator (TP-MTI) # bits 1,0 of byte0 of all pdu's # xmit | recv # 0 DELIVER-REPORT | DELIVER # 1 SUBMIT | SUBMIT-REPORT # 2 COMMAND | STATUS-REPORT # 3 - | - # - TP-More-Messages-to-Send (TP-MMS) # bit 2 of byte0 of SMS-DELIVER and SMS-STATUS-REPORT # 0 More messages are waiting for the MS in this SC # 1 No more messages are waiting for the MS in this SC # TP-Reject-Duplicates (TP-RD) # bit 2 of byte0 of SMS-SUBMIT # 0 Instruct the SC to accept an SMS-SUBMIT for an SM still held in the SC which has the same TP-MR and the same TP-DA as a previously submitted SM from the same OA. # 1 Instruct the SC to reject an SMS-SUBMIT for an SM still held in the SC which has the same TP-MR and the same TP-DA as the previously submitted SM from the same OA. # - TP-Validity-Period-Format (TP-VPF) # bit 4,3 of byte0 of SMS-SUBMIT # 0 TP-VP field not present # 1 TP-VP field present - relative format # 2 TP-VP field present - enhanced format # 3 TP-VP field present - absolute format # - TP-Status-Report-Indication (TP-SRI) # bit 5 of byte0 of SMS-DELIVER # 0 A status report shall not be returned to the SME # 1 A status report shall be returned to the SME # - TP-Status-Report-Qualifier (TP-SRQ) # bit 5 of byte0 of SMS-STATUS-REPORT # 0 The SMS-STATUS-REPORT is the result of a SMS-SUBMIT. # 1 The SMS-STATUS-REPORT is the result of an SMS-COMMAND # - TP-Status-Report-Request (TP-SRR) # bit 5 of byte0 of SMS-SUBMIT, SMS-COMMAND # 0 A status report is not requested # 1 A status report is requested # - TP-User-Data-Header-Indicator (TP-UDHI) # bit 6 of byte0 of all pdu's # 0 The TP-UD field contains only the short message # 1 The beginning of the TP-UD field contains a Header in addition to the short message. # - TP-Reply-Path (TP-RP) # bit 7 of byte0 of SMS-DELIVER and SMS--SUBMIT # 0 TP-Reply-Path parameter is not set in this SMS-SUBMIT/DELIVER # 1 TP-Reply-Path parameter is set in this SMS-SUBMIT/DELIVER my %msgtypename=( 0=> {0=>'DELIVER-REPORT', 1=>'DELIVER'}, 1=> {0=>'SUBMIT', 1=>'SUBMIT-REPORT'}, 2=> {0=>'COMMAND', 1=>'STATUS-REPORT'}, 3=> {0=>'-', 1=>'-'}, ); ################# EO stolen code - more below sub decode_sms_pdu_record { my $info = shift; my ($index, $status, $off, $len) = unpack("V4", $info); print " MessageIndex:\t$index\n"; print " MessageStatus:\t$smsmsgstatus{$status} ($status)\n"; decodesms(undef, substr($info, $off, $len)); } sub decode_sms_cdma_record { print "dummy function\n"; } sub decode_sms { my ($cid, $info) = @_; if ($cid == 1) { # MBIM_CID_SMS_CONFIGURATION my ($storagestate, $format, $max, $cdmasize, $off, $len) = unpack("V6", $info); print " SmsStorageState:\t$smsstoragestate{$storagestate}\n"; print " Format:\t$smsformat{$format}\n"; print " MaxMessages:\t$max\n"; print " CdmaShortMessageSize:\t$cdmasize\n"; print " ScAddress:\t", &utf16_field($info, $off, $len), "\n"; } elsif ($cid == 2) { # MBIM_CID_SMS_READ my ($format, $ec) = unpack("V2", $info); print " Format:\t$smsformat{$format}\n"; print " ElementCount (EC): $ec\n SmsRefList:\n"; for (my $i = 0; $i < $ec; $i++) { my ($off, $len) = unpack("VV", substr($info, 8 + 8 * $i, 8)); if ($format == 0) { &decode_sms_pdu_record(substr($info, $off, $len)); } elsif ($format == 1) { &decode_sms_cdma_record(substr($info, $off, $len)); } else { print "Unsupported SMS format: $format\n"; } } } elsif ($cid == 5) { # MBIM_CID_SMS_MESSAGE_STORE_STATUS my ($flag, $index) = unpack("V2", $info); print " Flags:\t$smsflags{$flag} ($flag)\n"; print " MessageIndex:\t$index\n"; } else { print "SMS CID $cid decoding is not yet supported\n"; } } sub decode_dss { my ($cid, $info) = @_; if ($cid == 1) { # MBIM_CID_DSS_CONNECT # no info buffer } else { print "DSS CID $cid decoding is not yet supported\n"; } } # use the external "qmiparse" utility to decode the embedded QMUX sub decode_ext_qmux { my ($cid, $info) = @_; if ($cid == 1) { # MBIM_CID_QMI open(P, "|qmiparse") || return; print P $info; close(P); } else { print "EXT_QMUX CID $cid decoding is not yet supported\n"; } } sub decode_msfwid { my ($cid, $info) = @_; if ($cid == 1) { # MBIM_CID_MSFWID_FIRMWAREID print " FirmwareID:\t", uuid_to_string($info), "\n"; } else { print "MSFWID $cid decoding is not yet supported\n"; } } # MBIM_MS_UICCSLOT_STATE my %ms_uicc_state = ( 0 => 'UICCSlotStateUnknown', # The modem is still in the process of initializing so the SIM slot state is not deterministic. 1 => 'UICCSlotStateOffEmpty', # The UICC slot is powered off and no card is present. An implementation that is unable to determine the presence of a card in a slot that is powered off reports its state as UICCSlotStateOff. 2 => 'UICCSlotStateOff', # The UICC slot is powered off. 3 => 'UICCSlotStateEmpty', # The UICC slot is empty (there is no card in it). 4 => 'UICCSlotStateNotReady', # The UICC slot is occupied and powered on but the card within it is not yet ready. 5 => 'UICCSlotStateActive', # The UICC slot is occupied and the card within it is ready. 6 => 'UICCSlotStateError', # The UICC slot is occupied and powered on but the card is in an error state and cannot be used until it is next reset. 7 => 'UICCSlotStateActiveEsim', # The card in the slot is an eSIM with an active profile and is ready to accept commands. 8 => 'UICCSlotStateActiveEsimNoProfiles', # The card in the slot is an eSIM with no profiles (or no active profiles) and is ready to accept commands. ); sub decode_basic_connect_extentions { my ($cid, $info) = @_; if ($cid == 1) { # MBIM_CID_MS_PROVISIONED_CONTEXT_V2 my $ec = unpack("V", $info); print " ElementCount (EC): $ec\n MsProvisionedContextV2RefList:\n"; for (my $i = 0; $i < $ec; $i++) { print " Context #$i:\n"; my ($off, $len) = unpack("VV", substr($info, 4 + 8 * $i, 8)); &decode_mbim_context(substr($info, $off, $len), 'v2'); } } elsif ( $cid == 2) { # MBIM_CID_MS_NETWORK_BLACKLIST print join(' ', map { sprintf "%02x", $_ } unpack("C*", $info)), "\n"; } elsif ($cid == 5) { # MBIM_CID_MS_SYS_CAPS my ($n_mbb, $n_slots, $concur, $modemid) = unpack("V3Q<", $info); print " NumberOfExecutors:\t$n_mbb\n"; print " NumberOfSlots:\t$n_slots\n"; print " Concurrency:\t$concur\n"; printf " ModemId:\t0x%08x\n", $modemid; } elsif ($cid == 6) { # MBIM_CID_MS_DEVICE_CAPS_V2 &decode_device_caps($info, 'v2'); } elsif ($cid == 7) { # MBIM_CID_MS_DEVICE_SLOT_MAPPINGS my $mc = unpack("V", $info); print " MapCount (MC): $mc\n SlotMapList:\n"; for (my $i = 0; $i < $mc; $i++) { my ($off, $len) = unpack("VV", substr($info, 4 + 8 * $i, 8)); my $idx = unpack("V", substr($info, $off, $len)); print " Slot $i => Index $idx\n"; } } elsif ($cid == 8) { # MBIM_CID_MS_SLOT_INFO_STATUS my ($idx, $state) = unpack("V2", $info); print " SlotIndex:\t$idx\n"; print " State:\t$ms_uicc_state{$state} ($state)\n"; } elsif ( $cid == 42) { # MBIM_CID_LOCATION_INFO_STATUS my ($lac, $tac, $cellid) = unpack("V3", $info); printf " LocationAreaCode:\t0x%08x\n", $lac; printf " TrackingAreaCode:\t0x%08x\n", $tac; print " CellId:\t$cellid\n"; } else { print "BASIC_CONNECT_EXTENSIONS CID $cid decoding is not yet supported\n"; print join(' ', map { sprintf "%02x", $_ } unpack("C*", $info)), "\n"; } } sub decode_proxy_control { my ($cid, $info) = @_; if ($cid == 1) { # MBIM_CID_PROXY_CONFIGURATION my ($off, $len, $timeout) = unpack("V3", $info); print " DevicePath:\t", &utf16_field($info, $off, $len), "\n"; print " Timeout:\t$timeout\n"; } else { print "PROXY_CONTROL CID $cid decoding is not yet supported\n"; } } my %decoder = ( "BASIC_CONNECT" => \&decode_basic_connect, "USSD" => \&decode_ussd, "PHONEBOOK" => \&decode_phonebook, "STK" => \&decode_stk, "AUTH" => \&decode_auth, "SMS" => \&decode_sms, "DSS" => \&decode_dss, #vendor specific "EXT_QMUX" => \&decode_ext_qmux, "MSFWID" => \&decode_msfwid, "BASIC_CONNECT_EXTENSIONS" => \&decode_basic_connect_extentions, "PROXY_CONTROL" => \&decode_proxy_control, ); my %frag; sub decode_mbim { my $msg = shift; # decode message header my ($type, $len, $tid) = unpack("VVV", $msg); print "MBIM_MESSAGE_HEADER\n"; printf " MessageType:\t0x%08x (%s)\n", $type, &msg_to_string($type); printf " MessageLength:\t%d\n", $len; printf " TransactionId:\t%d\n", $tid; if ($type == 0x80000001) { # MBIM_OPEN_DONE my $status = unpack("V", substr($msg, 12)); print &status_to_string($status), " ($status)\n"; } elsif ($type == 0x80000002) { # MBIM_CLOSE_DONE my $status = unpack("V", substr($msg, 12)); print &status_to_string($status), " ($status)\n"; } elsif ($type == 0x80000003 or $type == 0x00000003) { # MBIM_COMMAND_DONE or MBIM_COMMAND my ($total, $current) = unpack("VV", substr($msg, 12)); # FragmentHeader print "MBIM_FRAGMENT_HEADER\n"; printf " TotalFragments:\t0x%08x\n", $total; printf " CurrentFragment:\t0x%08x\n", $current; # cache fragments for later? if ($total > 1) { my $key = sprintf "%08x-%d", $type, $tid; if ($current == 0) { $frag{$key} = $msg; } else { $frag{$key} .= substr($msg, 20); } return if ($current < $total - 1); $msg = delete $frag{$key}; } my $uuid = uuid_to_string(substr($msg, 20, 16)); my $service = &uuid_to_service($uuid); print "$service ($uuid)\n"; my ($cid, $status, $infolen) = unpack("VVV", substr($msg, 36)); my $info = substr($msg, 48); print &cid_to_string($service, $cid), " ($cid)\n"; if ($type == 0x80000003) { print &status_to_string($status), " ($status)\n"; } else { print $status ? 'SET_COMMAND' : 'QUERY_COMMAND', " ($status)\n"; } print "InformationBuffer [$infolen]:\n"; if ($infolen != length($info)) { print "Fragmented data is not yet supported\n"; } elsif (exists($decoder{$service})) { $decoder{$service}($cid, $info, $type == 0x00000003 && $status) if $infolen; # Only on success! } else { print "decoding of $service CIDs is not yet supported\n"; printf "%02x " x $infolen, unpack("C*", $info); print "\n"; } } elsif ($type == 0x80000004) { # MBIM_FUNCTION_ERROR_MSG my $status = unpack("V", substr($msg, 12)); print &error_to_string($status), "($status)\n"; } elsif ($type == 0x80000007) { # MBIM_INDICATE_STATUS_MSG my ($total, $current) = unpack("VV", substr($msg, 12)); # FragmentHeader print "MBIM_FRAGMENT_HEADER\n"; print " TotalFragments:\t$total\n"; print " CurrentFragment:\t$current\n"; # cache fragments for later? if ($total > 1) { my $key = sprintf "%08x-%d", $type, $tid; if ($current == 0) { $frag{$key} = $msg; } else { $frag{$key} .= substr($msg, 20); } return if ($current < $total - 1); $msg = delete $frag{$key}; } my $uuid = uuid_to_string(substr($msg, 20, 16)); my $service = &uuid_to_service($uuid); print "$service ($uuid)\n"; my ($cid, $infolen) = unpack("VV", substr($msg, 36)); my $info = substr($msg, 44); print &cid_to_string($service, $cid), " ($cid)\n"; print "InformationBuffer [$infolen]:\n"; ##print "InformationBuffer:\t$info\n"; if ($infolen != length($info)) { print "Fragmented data is not yet supported\n"; } elsif (exists($decoder{$service})) { $decoder{$service}($cid, $info); } else { print "decoding of $service CIDs is not yet supported\n"; } } } # read from F until timeout sub read_mbim { my $match = shift; my $timeout = shift || 0; my $found = undef; warn("reading from $mgmt\n") if $debug; eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" }; # NB: \n required my $raw = ''; my $msglen = 0; alarm $timeout; do { my $len = 0; if ($len < 3 || $len < $msglen) { my $tmp; my $n; if ($proxy) { recv(F, $tmp, $maxctrl, 0); $n = length($tmp); } else { $n = sysread(F, $tmp, $maxctrl); } if ($n) { $len = $n; $raw = $tmp; warn("[" . localtime . "] read $n bytes from $mgmt\n") if $debug; print "\n---\n" if $debug; printf "%02x " x $n, unpack("C*", $tmp) if $debug; print "\n---\n" if $debug; } else { $found = 1; } } # get expected message length $msglen = unpack("V", substr($raw, 4, 4)); if ($len >= $msglen) { $len -= $msglen; &decode_mbim(substr($raw, 0, $msglen)); $raw = substr($raw, $msglen); $msglen = 0; } else { warn "$len < $msglen\n"; } } while (!$found); alarm 0; warn "got match!\n" if ($found && $debug); }; if ($@) { die unless $@ eq "alarm\n"; # propagate unexpected errors } } ### QMI stuff ### # QMI_CTL_MESSAGE_GET_VERSION_INFO my $qmiver = pack("C*", map { hex } qw!01 0f 00 00 00 00 00 08 21 00 04 00 01 01 00 ff!); my %sysname = ( 0 => "QMI_CTL", 1 => "QMI_WDS", 2 => "QMI_DMS", 3 => "QMI_NAS", 4 => "QMI_QOS", 5 => "QMI_WMS", 6 => "QMI_PDS", 7 => "QMI_AUTH", 8 => "QMI_AT", 9 => "QMI_VOICE", 0xa => "QMI_CAT2", 0xb => "QMI UIM", 0xc => "QMI PBM", 0xe => "QMI RMTFS", 0x10 => "QMI_LOC", 0x11 => "QMI_SAR", 0x14 => "QMI_CSD", 0x15 => "QMI_EFS", 0x17 => "QMI_TS", 0x18 => "QMI_TMD", 0x1a => "QMI_WDA", 0x1e => "QMI_QCMAP", 0x24 => "QMI_PDC", 0xe0 => "QMI_CAT", # duplicate! 0xe1 => "QMI_RMS", 0xe2 => "QMI_OMA", ); sub qmi_sysnum { my $sys = uc(shift); return $sys if ($sys =~ /^\d+$/); if ($sys =~ s/^0X//) { return hex($sys); } $sys = 'QMI_'. $sys unless ($sys =~ /^QMI_/); my ($num) = grep { $sys eq $sysname{$_} } keys %sysname; return $num || 0; } # create a QMI message sub mk_qmi { my $sys = &qmi_sysnum(shift); my $cid = shift || 1; my $msgid = shift; return '' unless ($msgid =~ s/^0x([0-9a-f]{4})$/$1/i); $msgid = hex($msgid); # anything else is considered TLV contents # e.g: 0x01 00 0x10 01 0f => { 0x01 => 0, 0x10 => 0x0f01 } my $tlv; my @data; my $tlvbytes = ''; foreach my $arg (@_) { # anything starting with 0x is considered a new TLV number if ($arg =~ s/^0x([0-9a-f]{2})$/$1/i) { if ($tlv) { # all TLVs need some data return '' unless @data; $tlvbytes .= pack("CvC*", $tlv, $#data+1, @data); @data = (); } $tlv = hex($arg); } elsif ($tlv && $arg =~ /^[0-9a-f]{2}$/i) { push(@data, hex($arg)); } else { return ''; } } # finish up the last TLV if ($tlv) { # all TLVs need some data return '' unless @data; $tlvbytes .= pack("CvC*", $tlv, $#data+1, @data); } my $tlvlen = length($tlvbytes); if ($sys == 0) { # QMI_CTL return pack("CvCCCCCvv", 1, 11 + $tlvlen, 0, 0, 0, 0, $tid, $msgid, $tlvlen) . $tlvbytes; } else { return pack("CvCCCCvvv", 1, 12 + $tlvlen, 0, $sys, $cid, 0, $tid, $msgid, $tlvlen) . $tlvbytes; } } sub send_mbim_msg { my $msg = shift; if ($proxy) { send(F, $msg, 0) || die "foo"; } else { print F $msg; } } ### main ### # get the command my $cmd = shift; # decode an message from the command line # e.g. 01:00:00:80:10:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 if ($cmd eq "offline") { &decode_mbim(pack("C*", map { hex } split(/:/, join(':', @ARGV)))); exit(0); } # open it now and keep it open until exit if ($proxy) { my $addr = sockaddr_un("\x{0}mbim-proxy"); socket(F, PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0) || die "socket: $!\n"; connect(F, $addr) || die "connect: $!\n"; my $data = pack("V3", 12, 2*length($mgmt), 30) . encode('utf16le', "$mgmt\0");; &send_mbim_msg(&mk_command_msg('PROXY_CONTROL', 1, 1, $data)); ## my $ret = send_and_recv($req); ## warn "mbim-proxy open status=" . verify_status($ret) . "\n" if $verbose; ## die "mbim-proxy for $mgmt failed\n" if (verify_status($ret) != 0); } else { open(F, "+<", $mgmt) || die "open $mgmt: $!\n"; autoflush F 1; } # check message size require 'sys/ioctl.ph'; eval 'sub IOCTL_WDM_MAX_COMMAND () { &_IOC( &_IOC_READ, ord(\'H\'), 0xa0, 2); }' unless defined(&IOCTL_WDM_MAX_COMMAND); my $foo = ''; my $r = ioctl(F, &IOCTL_WDM_MAX_COMMAND, $foo); if ($r) { $maxctrl = unpack("s", $foo); } else { warn("ioctl failed: $!\n") if $debug; } print "MaxMessageSize=$maxctrl\n" if $debug; if ($cmd eq "open") { &send_mbim_msg(&mk_open_msg); } elsif ($cmd eq "caps") { &send_mbim_msg(&mk_cid_device_caps); } elsif ($cmd eq "close") { &send_mbim_msg(&mk_close_msg); } elsif ($cmd eq "pin") { &send_mbim_msg(&mk_cid_pin($pin{1})) if $pin{1}; } elsif ($cmd eq "connect") { &send_mbim_msg(&mk_cid_connect($apn, 1, $session, @ARGV)); } elsif ($cmd eq "ipv6") { &send_mbim_msg(&mk_cid_connect($apn, 1, $session, 2, 'Internet')); } elsif ($cmd eq "ipv4v6") { &send_mbim_msg(&mk_cid_connect($apn, 1, $session, 3, 'Internet')); } elsif ($cmd eq "mms") { &send_mbim_msg(&mk_cid_connect($apn, 1, $session, 1, 'MMS')); } elsif ($cmd eq "disconnect") { &send_mbim_msg(&mk_cid_connect('', 0, $session)); } elsif ($cmd eq "attach") { &send_mbim_msg(&mk_cid_packet_service(1)); } elsif ($cmd eq "detach") { &send_mbim_msg(&mk_cid_packet_service(0)); } elsif ($cmd eq "getreg") { &send_mbim_msg(&mk_cid_register_state()); } elsif ($cmd eq "getradiostate") { &send_mbim_msg(&mk_cid_radio_state); } elsif ($cmd eq "setradiostate") { &send_mbim_msg(&mk_cid_radio_state(1)); } elsif ($cmd eq "getservices") { &send_mbim_msg(&mk_command_msg('BASIC_CONNECT', 16, 0, '')); } elsif ($cmd eq "getip") { &send_mbim_msg(&mk_command_msg('BASIC_CONNECT', 15, 0, pack("V15", $session, 0 x 14))); } elsif ($cmd eq "dssconnect") { &send_mbim_msg(&mk_cid_dss_connect(shift, 1, $session)); } elsif ($cmd eq "dssdisconnect") { &send_mbim_msg(&mk_cid_dss_connect(shift, 0, $session)); } elsif ($cmd eq "monitor") { &read_mbim; } elsif ($cmd eq "qmi") { if (defined($qmisys)) { &send_mbim_msg(&mk_command_msg('EXT_QMUX', 1, 1, &mk_qmi($qmisys, $qmicid, @ARGV))); } else { &send_mbim_msg(&mk_command_msg('EXT_QMUX', 1, 1, pack("C*", map { hex } @ARGV))); } } elsif ($cmd eq "qmiver") { &send_mbim_msg(&mk_command_msg('EXT_QMUX', 1, 1, $qmiver)); } elsif ($cmd eq "unknown") { &send_mbim_msg(&mk_command_msg(shift, shift, 1, pack("C*", map { hex } @ARGV))); } elsif ($cmd eq "getunknown") { &send_mbim_msg(&mk_command_msg(shift, shift, 0, pack("C*", map { hex } @ARGV))); } else { &usage; } # close device close(F); ########## ########## sub decodesms { ## my ($dir, $smshex)=@_; my ($dir, $data)=@_; ## my $data= pack("H*", $smshex); my $ofs= 0; my $smsclen= unpack("C", substr($data, $ofs++, 1)); my $smscdata= substr($data, $ofs, $smsclen); $ofs+=$smsclen; printf("smsc: %s\n", decode_address($smscdata)); # if direction not known, assume it is outgoing when the smsc length == 0 my $incoming= defined $dir ? $dir : $smsclen!=0; my $pduhdr= unpack("C", substr($data, $ofs++, 1)); my $mti= ($pduhdr&3); my $pdutype= $pdutypes[$mti][$incoming]; printf("%s %s\n", $pdutype, $mti?"done":""); if (hasfield($pdutype, "MR")) { # message reference my $mr= unpack("C", substr($data, $ofs++, 1)); printf("MR: %02x\n", $mr); } if (hasfield($pdutype, "DA") || hasfield($pdutype, "OA")) { # destination/originating address my $srclen= unpack("C", substr($data, $ofs++, 1)); my $srcnum= substr($data, $ofs, ($srclen-1)/2+2); $ofs += ($srclen-1)/2+2; printf("%s: %s\n", hasfield($pdutype, "DA")?"DA":hasfield($pdutype, "OA")?"OA":"??", decode_address($srcnum)); } if (hasfield($pdutype, "PID")) { # protocol id # todo my $protocol= unpack("C", substr($data, $ofs++, 1)); printf("prot: %02x\n", $protocol); # 0x00 # 0x0b # 0x0d # 0x10 } my $dcs; if (hasfield($pdutype, "DCS")) { # data coding scheme # todo , see 23.038 $dcs= unpack("C", substr($data, $ofs++, 1)); printf("dcs: %02x\n", $dcs); } if (hasfield($pdutype, "VP") && ($pduhdr&0x18)) { # validity period my $vpf= ($pduhdr&0x18)>>3; my @fmt=qw(- rel enh abs); # rel: 1 byte # abs: 7 bytes # enh: 7 bytes if ($vpf==1) { my $vp= unpack("C", substr($data, $ofs++, 1)); printf("VP: %s %d\n", $fmt[$vpf], $vp); } else { my $vp= substr($data, $ofs, 7); $ofs+=7; printf("VP: %s %s\n", $fmt[$vpf], unpack 'H*',$vp); } } if (hasfield($pdutype, "SCTS")) { # sc timestamp my $scts= unpack 'H*', unpack("a7", substr($data, $ofs, 7)); $ofs+=7; $scts =~ s/(\w)(\w)/$2$1/g; printf("scts: %s\n", $scts); } my $udl; if (hasfield($pdutype, "UDL")) { # userdata length $udl= unpack("C", substr($data, $ofs++, 1)); } if (hasfield($pdutype, "UD")) { # user data # $dcs=08 : unicode # $dcs=11 : 7bit if ($dcs&0x20) { printf("compressed[%02x]: %s\n", $udl, unpack("H*", substr($data, $ofs))); } elsif (($dcs&0x0c)==0) { # 7 bit data my $b7len= int(($udl*7)/8)+1; my $ud= substr($data, $ofs, $b7len); $ofs += $b7len; my $dcode = sms7to8bit($ud); printf("msg: '%s'\n", $dcode); $dcode =~ tr/\@//d; # printf("msg (7bit): '%s'\n", decode('utf8', $dcode)) ; printf("msg (7bit): '%s'\n", $dcode) ; } elsif (($dcs&0x0c)==0x04) { # 8 bit data my $ud= substr($data, $ofs, $udl); $ofs += ($udl*7)/8; printf("msg (8bit): '%s'\n", $ud); } elsif (($dcs&0x0c)==0x08) { # ucs2 data my $ud= substr($data, $ofs, $udl); $ofs += $udl; printf("msg (ucs2): U'%s'\n", pack("U*", unpack("n*",$ud))); } # 0x91 # 0xd0 else { printf("msg: unknown encoding: %s\n", unpack("H*", substr($data, $ofs))); } } printf("leftover: %d\n", length($data)-$ofs); } sub decode_address { return "-" if ($_[0] eq ""); my ($typebyte, $addr)= unpack("Ca*", $_[0]); my ($one, $type, $plan)=(($typebyte>>7)&1, ($typebyte>>4)&7, $typebyte&0xf); return sprintf("%d.%s.%s:%s", $one, $numtypes[$type], $plantypes[$plan], decodenumber($addr, $type)) } sub sms7to8bit { my @xlat= ( "@", "£", "\$", "¥", "è", "é", "ù", "ì", "ò", "Ç", "\n", "Ø", "ø", "\r", "Å", "å", "∆", "_", "Φ", "Γ", "Λ", "Ω", "Π", "Ψ", "Σ", "Θ", "Ξ", "\x1b", "Æ", "æ", "ß", "É", "\x20", "!", "\x22", "#", "¤", "%", "&", "\x27", "(", ")", "*", "+", ",", "-", ".", "/", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", ":", ";", "<", "=", ">", "?", "¡", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "Ä", "Ö", "Ñ", "Ü", "§", "¿", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "ä", "ö", "ñ", "ü", "à", ); my @xlat2= ( " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "\x03", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "^", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "\x1b", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "{", "}", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "\\", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "[", "~", "]", " ", "|", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "€", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", ); my $esc; # printf("xx-%s\n", unpack("H*", $_[0])); my $bits= unpack("b*", $_[0]); my @bytes = map { pack("b*", $_) } (split /(\d{7})/, $bits); # print "num=", $#bytes, " ", unpack("C*", join('',@bytes)),"\n"; # if (length($bits)%7) { $bits=substr($bits, 0, -(length($bits)%7)); } return join "", map { if ($esc) { $esc--; $xlat2[ord($_)] } elsif ($_ eq "\x1b") { $esc++; '' } else { $xlat[ord($_)] } } @bytes; } sub decodenumber { my ($numdata, $type)= @_; if ($type==5) { my $str= sms7to8bit($numdata); $str =~ s/\x00$//; return $str; } else { (my $nr= unpack 'H*', $numdata) =~ s/(\w)(\w)/$2$1/g; return $nr; } }