#!/usr/bin/perl # # License: GPLv2 # Copyright 2016 Bjørn Mork use strict; use warnings; use Archive::Zip; use Getopt::Long; # fixed prod my $prod = "9X30"; # fixed version string - must this match the running image? my $ver = "9999999_9904609_SWI9X30C_02.08.02.00_00_Bjorn_001.000_000"; ## test with a legal value first! my $usbcomp = 0x0000050f; # (diag,adb,nmea,modem,rmnet0,rmnet1) my $usbcomp = 0x0000010d; # (diag,nmea,modem,rmnet0) # supported values are: # # AT!USBCOMP=,, # - configuration index to which the composition applies, should be 1 # # - 1:Generic, 2:USBIF-MBIM, 3:RNDIS # config type 2/3 should only be used for specific Sierra PIDs: 68B1, 9068 # customized VID/PID should use config type 1 # # - DIAG - 0x00000001, # NMEA - 0x00000004, # MODEM - 0x00000008, # RMNET0 - 0x00000100, # RMNET1 - 0x00000400, # MBIM - 0x00001000, # e.g. # 10D - diag, nmea, modem, rmnet interfaces enabled # 1009 - diag, modem, mbim interfaces enabled # # The default configuration is: # at!usbcomp=1,1,10F' #bjorn@nemi:~/privat/prog/git/wwan/scripts$ ./parsecwe.pl ~/docs/hardware/sierra/em7455/firmware/SWI9X30C_02.08.02.00/OEM/1102662_9905046_EM7455_02.05.07.00_00_Lenovo-Laptop_#001.003_000.nvu #FLEHDR: FULL: val=1, code=3, hdrsz=400, imgsz=11976 #CWEHDR: SPKG: crc=0x69d98b86, rev=3, val=NOPE, prod=9X30, imgsz=11976, imgcrc=0x3a9b2ec2, date=12/15/15, compat=0x00000000, xxx=0x00000001 # imgcrc OK, version string: '1102662_9905046_EM7455_02.05.07.00_00_Lenovo-Laptop_001.003_000' # CWEHDR: FILE: crc=0xf2697aa7, rev=3, val=NOPE, prod=9X30, imgsz=11576, imgcrc=0x79e48690, date=12/15/15, compat=0x00000000, xxx=0x00000001 # imgcrc OK, version string: '1102662_9905046_EM7455_02.05.07.00_00_Lenovo-Laptop_001.003_000' # CWEHDR: FILE: crc=0xf2697aa7, rev=3, val=NOPE, prod=9X30, imgsz=11176, imgcrc=0xe788bc00, date=12/15/15, compat=0x01000000, xxx=0x00000001 # imgcrc OK, version string: '/nvup/NVUP_1102662_EM7455_Lenovo-Laptop.020' # CWEHDR: NVUP: crc=0xf2697aa7, rev=3, val=GOOD, prod=9x30, imgsz=10776, imgcrc=0x33ff014e, date=12/15/15, compat=0x00000001, xxx=0x50617273 # imgcrc OK, version string: '1102662_9905046_EM7455_02.05.07.00_00_Lenovo-Laptop_001.003_000' # NVUP: 10776 bytes, ver=1, count=143, foo=00fe, bar=00000001 # #1 16 bytes: b=0080, c=0001, <02> ff => # # #14 37 bytes: b=3401, c=0001, <08> USB_COMP => 01:00:00:00:0d:10:00:00 # goal: try to create a minimum NV diff file, setting USB_COMP to the chosen value # strategy: start from the inside, and build header data around until finished sub crc32 { my $buf = shift; my $crc = shift || 0xffffffff; $crc ^= 0xffffffff; $crc = Archive::Zip::computeCRC32($buf, $crc); return $crc ^ 0xffffffff; } sub mkfilehdr { my $imgsz = shift; return pack("CCnNNa[244]",1, 2, 0, 400, $imgsz, "FULL"); # the meaning of 'code' is uncertain. OEM file has 3, others have 2. } sub mkcwehdr { my ($type, $version, $compat, $xxx, $image) = @_; my ($mday, $mon, $year) = (localtime)[3,4,5]; $year -= 100; $mon++; my $date = sprintf "%02d/%02d/%02d", $mon, $mday, $year; my $imgsz = length($image); my $reserved = $type eq 'SPKG' ? &mkfilehdr($imgsz) : pack("a[256]", ''); my $val = $type eq 'NVUP' ? 'GOOD' : pack("N", 0xffffffff); my $imgcrc = &crc32($image); my $crc = &crc32($reserved); return $reserved . pack("NNA4A4A4NNa84a8Na16N", $crc, 3, $val, $type, $prod, $imgsz, $imgcrc, $version, $date, $compat, '', $xxx) . $image; } # start from the back: value TLV, name TLV, NVUP entry, NVUP header, sub mknvup { my $valtlv = pack("vVVV", 2, 8, 1, $usbcomp); # type=2, len=8, data = 0x0000001, $usbcomp my $name = "USB_COMP"; my $keytlv = pack("vVCa*", 1, length($name) + 1, 8, $name); my $len = 8 + length($keytlv) + length($valtlv); my $entry = pack("Vvv", $len, 1, 1); # typical values # header ($ver, $count, $foo, $bar) return pack("vvvV", 1, 1, 1, 1). # typical values, except for count which is fixed at 1 here $entry . $keytlv . $valtlv; } my $image = &mknvup(); my $cwe = &mkcwehdr('NVUP', $ver, 0x00000001, 0x50617273, $image); ## funker ikke $cwe = &mkcwehdr('FILE', '/swir/nvdelta/NVUP_bjorn.020', 0x01000000, 0x00000001, $cwe); $cwe = &mkcwehdr('FILE', '/nvup/NVUP_BJORN.020', 0x01000000, 0x00000001, $cwe); $cwe = &mkcwehdr('FILE', $ver, 0x00000000, 0x00000001, $cwe); $cwe = &mkcwehdr('SPKG', $ver, 0x00000000, 0x00000001, $cwe); print $cwe;