/* * Copyright (c) 2013 RIPE NCC * Licensed under GPLv2 or later, see file LICENSE in this tarball for details. */ #define LINEL (INET6_ADDRSTRLEN * 2) #include "libbb.h" #include "resolv.h" #include "eperd.h" #include static void nameserver_ip_add (char *nsentry, char *ip_as_string) { strncpy (nsentry, ip_as_string, LINEL); // printf("AA added nameserver %s\n", ip_as_string); // printf("AA added nameserver to ns %s\n", nsentry); return; } static int resolv_conf_parse_line (char *nsentry, char *line) { #define NEXT_TOKEN strtok_r(NULL, delims, &strtok_state) char *strtok_state; static const char *const delims = " \t"; char *const first_token = strtok_r(line, delims, &strtok_state); if (!first_token) return 0; if (!strcmp(first_token, "nameserver")) { char *const nameserver = NEXT_TOKEN; if (nameserver) { if(nameserver[(strlen(nameserver) - 1)] == '\n') nameserver[(strlen(nameserver) - 1)] = NULL; nameserver_ip_add(nsentry, nameserver); //printf("AA added nameserver %s\n", nsentry); return 1; } } return 0; } void get_local_resolvers(char nslist[MAXNS][INET6_ADDRSTRLEN * 2], int *resolv_max) { #ifndef RESOLV_CONF #define RESOLV_CONF "/etc/resolv.conf" #endif char buf[LINEL]; char *buf_start; int i = 0; time_t now; int r; struct stat sb; static resolv_last_check = -1; static time_t last_time= -1; now = time(NULL); if(*resolv_max){ if ( pow (resolv_last_check - now, 2) > 3) { crondlog(LVL5 "check the %s", RESOLV_CONF); } else { return; } } r = stat(RESOLV_CONF, &sb); if (r == -1) { crondlog(LVL8 "error accessing resolv.conf: %s", strerror(errno)); return; } resolv_last_check = now; if (last_time == sb.st_mtime) { /* nothing changed */ crondlog(LVL5 "re-read %s. not reading this time", RESOLV_CONF); return; } else { crondlog(LVL5 "re-read %s . it has changed", RESOLV_CONF); } FILE *R = fopen (RESOLV_CONF, "r"); if (R != NULL) { while ( (fgets (buf, LINEL, R)) && (i < MAXNS)) { buf_start = buf; if(resolv_conf_parse_line(nslist[i], buf) ) { crondlog(LVL5 "parsed file %s , line %s i=%d", RESOLV_CONF, buf_start, i); i++; } else crondlog(LVL5 "ERROR failed to parse from %s i=%d, line %s", RESOLV_CONF, i, buf_start); } fclose (R); } last_time = sb.st_mtime; *resolv_max = i; return; } void get_local_resolvers_nocache(char nslist[MAXNS][INET6_ADDRSTRLEN * 2], int *resolv_max) { #ifndef RESOLV_CONF #define RESOLV_CONF "/etc/resolv.conf" #endif FILE *R; char buf[LINEL]; char *buf_start; int i = 0; int r; struct stat sb; r = stat(RESOLV_CONF, &sb); if (r == -1) { crondlog(LVL8 "error accessing resolv.conf: %s", strerror(errno)); return; } R = fopen (RESOLV_CONF, "r"); if (R != NULL) { while ( (fgets (buf, LINEL, R)) && (i < MAXNS)) { buf_start = buf; if(resolv_conf_parse_line(nslist[i], buf) ) { crondlog(LVL5 "parsed file %s , line %s i=%d", RESOLV_CONF, buf_start, i); i++; } else crondlog(LVL5 "ERROR failed to parse from %s i=%d, line %s", RESOLV_CONF, i, buf_start); } fclose (R); } *resolv_max = i; }